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I've been dealing with Pneumonia for the last 3 weeks now and today it came to a head i'm on the way to the Hospital i've been pre-admitted so i'm on my way.Later Guys
Take care, friend. Please, get well soon. We'll miss ya.
We will all be waiting to hear from you. Get well!
I'm back home now and thanks for all your wish's.Makes me feel like someone.Now lets get down to some T-Bucketing.LOL
Damn, I was just starting to get worries about you and you're already back home.

What did they have to say? Did they just load you up on antibiotics and cut you loose? That pneumonia crap isn't anything you want to be messing around with.
Mike said:
Damn, I was just starting to get worries about you and you're already back home.

What did they have to say? Did they just load you up on antibiotics and cut you loose? That pneumonia crap isn't anything you want to be messing around with.
Mega antibiotics and yes just cut me free said i cleared up enough to go home.
Glad you made it back and soon too! ;) Now, those nurses didn't DEMAND you leave, did they?:D
tfeverfred said:
Glad you made it back and soon too! ;) Now, those nurses didn't DEMAND you leave, did they?:D
They actualy fretted over me hand and foot.Thought i was one of the best patients they had in a long time.Kept my coffee cup filled to boot.
Rick said:
They actualy fretted over me hand and foot.Thought i was one of the best patients they had in a long time.Kept my coffee cup filled to boot.

Glad to hear it! In all seriousness, I think the way you're treated in the hospital has a lot to getting better.
tfeverfred said:
Glad to hear it! In all seriousness, I think the way you're treated in the hospital has a lot to getting better.
I agree makes you feel good just being made welcome does alot of it.

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