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How do you know what body you have?

Good evening everyone. Is there a way to tell what manufacturer built the body on a t bucket? Is there a way to tell if it's a total performance, speedway, spirit or ccr body? Fiberglass that is. Thanks!
It's usually a guessing game. Total did put identifying marks on their bodies, and some other manufacturers did as well, but many times those marks are covered up or removed during construction so it's a real crap shoot. Good clear pictures of the body including interior and underside shots can help.
What difference does it make? By the time you’re done it is more yours than theirs!

Though you make a good point, John, I'm somewhat sympathetic. I am curious to know the history of stuff, especially relating to my hot rod. For instance, what's the origin of my "junkyard" engine block/transmission?
Not trying to be a smart butt here but when you buy a project you get what you get. If the origin means that much to you, don’t buy something that doesn’t have all the answers!
For me, my hot rods are like girl friends; each is beautiful in its own way, and I want to know as much about her as I can. ;)
Not trying to be a smart butt here but when you buy a project you get what you get. If the origin means that much to you, don’t buy something that doesn’t have all the answers!

Just because I want to know about the origin isn't going to stop me from making a purchase. Just because you don't have an intelligent answer doesn't mean Im going to skip your reply. Bottom line..if I want to know and want to learn then I'm going to frickin ask! That's called common sense. Why join this group if you don't ask questions?

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