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How to Build a T-Bucket book!

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Hi, I have the book, " How to Build a T-Bucket Roadster for Under $3000." I am not building a kit from Speedway ,BUT would their assembly manual help me build my car? :tnku:
I have the older Total Performance assembly manual and there is a great deal of information in it usable for any build the blueprint drawings for every part of the T are in that book so you can use it to make any of the frame and suspension parts, Theres also lots of info on wooding the body etc.I have not seen Speedways book but if it still contains that info you should definitely buy it!I did see the add in the newest Speedway "T" catalog and see their book contains actual photos of the build now.
I have the Speedway manual. It really just walks you through how to assemble their frame and suspension. There are no blue prints on how to build the frame etc. if you are attempting to do this on your own. There is also nothing on wooding the body, building the interior, mounting the steering column, mounting the body, or doing any wiring. I got mine last spring along with it was a letter saying they were in the process of updating it and when they were done they would send me the complete finished copy. I ain't seen it yet! Spirit Industries has their assembly manual on line at their website plus some very informative video on U-Tube. Someday I would really like to see the old Total manual and the CCR manual. I've got Chesters book and picked up a lot of usefull info from it.
Sorry for the delayed response, but I'd agree with everybody that's already responded. You can't have too much good information.
I will confirm that the original Total Performance manual was a gem with its blueprint format.
However, I haven't had a chance to see the new Speedway assembly manual -- probably should order one.
Best of luck in your build and thanks again for purchasing Chester's T-Bucket eBook.
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