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howdy to all


New Member
mike is my name and janie is my wife. married bout 300yrs. we like riding our atvs showing our old bucket janie loves gambling boats. we throw the t in the garage of the fiver toy box and head out to ralleys cruise ins cruisin the coast and next yr the bash for sure and other things we can get into.oh yea love golf and tinkering in my shop
:welcome:Welcome to the group now you know we require pics of your ride in order to pay the bills here.Also you get extra points for a gallery.Again welcome to the group.
I think everyone in Texas own's a t-bucket. Welcome aboard Mike.

yo rick u got me. at this time my t dont run. give me a month or so. jus put pistons in it and waiting on a dyers 8/71 blower with a intake that evidently takes a month to build. just give me a little more time and all the ponies will be runnin down the road mike
I was funnin yall Mike lets see some pics like i said we put people in jail here for not posting pics of there car(s).Yours is done other people are building so any input here is a great idea maker for the other guys.
yo rick u got me. at this time my t dont run. give me a month or so. jus put pistons in it and waiting on a dyers 8/71 blower with a intake that evidently takes a month to build. just give me a little more time and all the ponies will be runnin down the road mike

You got any leads on a blower for a 351 Windsor?Used and abused of course junk if possible.Let me know
rick check ebay under blower superchargers ive seen cases for $400. and complete setups for $2800. the intake on the windsor isnt so rare and u can find them, the cleveland is built part iv ordered a gary dyers 8/71 and he has to build the intake. slow process. ill check canton and e tex trades day for what might help u. u will probably hav to put low compression pistons in your engine. high comp pistons causes to lean and burn motor up. ill post some pics but not being to swuft with the pc and still havnt figured out how on this site.
Howdy back at ya! Glad you made it over. Like Rick said, we like to be nosey, so post pics when you can.:welcome:
tell me how to post??? ive got old pics and will post new pic when i take some. i cant find out how to put them in this forum. mike
Look in the red NavBar, located at the top of every page and click on vBPicGallery. You will be able to set up your own photo gallery, from there.

There are some directions on how to set up a gallery on one of our sister forums. You can read them here.

If you can upload photos to PhotoBucket, you'll certainly be able to use this gallery.
Mike, you need to resize your pictures. Start by resizing to large, if that doesn't work then resize to the next size down. Do not resize to small because you can not resize them up in size.

Here is one pic of Mikes car

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