Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

hows it look?

looks good to me.

yes the uprights are molded into the body.and the cardboard shows leaks from my old car,thanks for your input......come on spring:)
To post pics from the photbucket. Click on the second box down under the pic. It will come up yellow and say"copied" Then when you go to post there is a little yellow box that looks like a mountain in it click on that. Then hit backspace. Click in that space and hit control V and the picture should appear.
Nice clasic style flames fits the car style.
jj, is it possible to get a close up shot of one side of your front shock mount, both upper and lower. I'm working towards removing my friction shocks to regular shocks. What I could see looked pretty good. Thank you.

Shades of 1959, Batman!:lol: Dude, that is working HUGE! I freakin' love it!
JJ, I think Earnhardt Sr. would like the looks of those flames! Nice work.

Info on carb setup, please.

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