Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

"I hated that stupid new car"


Last weekend my sis-in-law,her hubby and his mom were over at my house. First thing John does is take his mom out to the garage to show her my T-Bucket. She's 87 yo and knows a little something about cars. Natural she wants her picture taken in it (i was gonna take her for a ride but the battery was dead and my son has the charger. Next time).

After the picture taking session was over she points to the '56 Chevy sitting in the driveway and says "I had one just like that. We bought it brand new. I loved that car. I was so mad when Harold traded it in on a new car. I hated that stupid new car. I wouldn't even drive it. I wanted my Chevrolet back". The new car? A '64 1/2 Mustang.
Hey t-bone nice looking bucket! Is that a ford motor in a ford? Your making some of us look bad.
Ford ina Ford is a great thing............Should be more of dem.........:lol:
Ford makes engines???? I'm not sure i've ever saw one. I thought all hot rods had Chevrolet engines.
LarryH said:
Ford makes engines???? I'm not sure i've ever saw one. I thought all hot rods had Chevrolet engines.
Drive a FORD put a FORD in it.Copy cats put Chebys in there Fords

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