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I hear clicking


I noticed a week or so ago i started to hear a sheetmetal noise a clicking that matches the rpm at about 1500 rpm to about 2000 then it stops. I think it may be the flexplate. I did remove the bolts from the torque convertor and the noise is gone. Then i checked the bolts on the Crank and they are tight. I dont see any cracks but my angle is limited to see. So i guess out comes the motor and a new flexplate is in order. See what happens when you try to save a buck. ARG
That's a bummer but at least it's an easy job to get the motor out of these things.
Sound like a flex plate Get the parts and get it going shows are starting in some parts already.
Hey rooster57.....could it be a metal converter cover hitting the ring gear?
Yea....bummer....didn't think about it.....I imagine that these cars would rough on Trans. pans and Oil pans........Mines gonna be sitting fairly low.
My cover seems to have clearence. Its stupid on my part a flexplate is 35.00. Chevy flexplates are proan to this. Let this be a lesson to ya. It is for me but a bit to late. ARG
Rooster, is that the original flex plate from the stock engine? Things happen, get a fresh, new flex plate that has never been mounted (present one in the car could have hit the ground when pulled from the donor car), use new, ARP bolts for crank & torque converter and never worry about it again. Probably only plate you can find reasonable will be Chi-com, at least get a good one, don't be "inexpensive". Don't forget to get the proper tooth count.

Heres to a speedy recovery, John.
Thanks John i spoke to the old guy who built my trans and he told me. If my starter bolts are staggered i have the large flexplate , straight accross the small one .
I shouldnt added a number i should have just said big and small. Thanks TT i should have checked before i posted.

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