Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

I still cant believe it


One of the places i like to buy parts is at Vintage motor sports when i went there they had moved from catoosa to BrokenArrowabout 2 miles from my house. The guy was explaining how to get there and he mentioned we are in the old Cord auto factory now. I had heard of that but i thought it was an old delopaded building off down town.. So over i go when i drove in the long drive i noticed a sighn that said (Cord Auburn and Duesenberg) so i parked and walked in and holy crap i couldnt believe what i was seeing. 3 cords of various types and boattailed auburn a 40 ford coupe with a jag v 10 in it . And a 80-90 year old guy showing off his handywork. Mr Glen Pray still selling parts for the above mentioned cars he purchased the rights for the above mentioned cars. And yes there was a fire engine red duesenberg in the back room. along with a crazy asortment of stuff he collected over the years. He also had the original cord prototype the 8-10. He had a brand new1945 wizzer motor bike he said with less than 50 miles on it .Here is some info on mr Pray.
Auburn Cord Duesenberg Co.
I will sak him if pictures are ok and post some.
Duesey are awesome rooster. We have one of the worlds biggest collector in the twin cities. He's like Leno, drives them all over. Last I heard, he had like 12 of them.

I had never seen one what before,what a work of mechanical art i am still tring to remember all i have seen today.

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