We do not delete forum accounts. If you cannot stand the heat in the kitchen, it is as simple as you going away and not returning. Easy-peasy.
People, this is the kind of nonsense that really frosts my cookies. He clearly takes issue with the way this forum is operated, yet he goes ahead and registers an account. This gets my spidey senses tingling, right off the bat. Then he wants to allow his e-mail auto-responder send me e-mails that he is away from his desk, like I need to receive additional e-mails, and like I give a rat's rectum if he is at his desk or not. Then, when I fail to approach him, on bended knee, tugging at my forelock, and
requesting him to cease and desist, then it is suddenly game on. Now, the bampot is all prepared to whine and complain about our e-mail rules and to show everyone how far he can toss his dolly out of the pram, he wants me to DELETE HIS FORUM ACCOUNT. Which shows the kind of community member he was going to be. On the forum index page, there is a link for all new members, called
Before You Register. It gives potential new members an idea of our expectations for new community members. One of the first suggestions made, on that page, is for prospective members to read our
Rules Page. There is even a link, to make reading the rules page easy for them. Had this character bothered to read the rules page, he would have already known that -
This is just one more bad apple that will not get a chance to spoil the whole basket.