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I'm re-thinking things a little


New Member
I bolted some rear tires to the axel and started playing around with the frame and the inline 6 just doesn't look good. I built the frame with about 5" of total kick-up measured from the horizontal and it's gotta lotta rake. As i play around with the inline the total depth from the mount to oil pan is really deep and I do not like the look. I'm thinking of putting the inline in the barn and grabbing one of my v8's a checking things out. I love the rake and do not want to change it. I also have complete v8's and trannies so to change is no big deal.

I started wanting the skinny tires and the retro look but after mocking it up and looking at the rake i'm thinking the fat rollers and typical T Bucket look is starting to sound much better.

This is crazy because what i had in my mind just doesn't look good when mocked up....I wasn't prepared for that.:o

This is one of my favorite videos on you tube and I love the look. What I have now would be an easy transition to make it look similar.

This is starting to get confusing again.:eek:

[ame=[media=youtube]nf9CXCaDZ_A[/media] - 23 T Bucket[/ame]
That sits almost like mine. I had gear drive for a little while but gets annoying after not to long.
Spotting things in mock up is a lot cheaper than trying to fix stuff after the fact. That's a nice T in the video.
Another very important thing to remember when building is to place the car in such a manner that you can get a good look from a distance, especially the profile. If it does not profile good you have a problem. Remember, it is all in the stance.

It may seem a little disheartening right now but now is the time find out whether you're going to be happy with the look or not. Nothing has been done that can't easily be corrected so step back and take a breath.
Also change the rake, lower it down some and see what it looks like.

I like about 9 or 10 inches of kickup, that way you have room to move up or down... I like a little lower stance also..
TBUCKET Hot Rods - The world's most popular hot rod web site. here is a site that has hundreds of pics so you can find the look that you like for sure before you get to far.
here is a little bigger pic of mine sits almost level with big and littles

Thanks for the photo and the link Putz, i'm having a field day with all the pistures on that website. I'm so used to looking at the forum I foget that other website exist.:) It's amazing how many t buckets have been built!

On another note, i'm sure glad I did a mock-up because I am now convinced what I had in my head wasn't even close to the reality of what it looked like when playing with the parts. It's OK though because I get over things easy and i'm moving forward with a bucket that should look much better but i'll be using the 327 instead. Your T bucket photo was great and my bucket will look similar with just a bit more rake. I'll post photos when I get a little further along.

putz said:
TBUCKET Hot Rods - The world's most popular hot rod web site. here is a site that has hundreds of pics so you can find the look that you like for sure before you get to far.
here is a little bigger pic of mine sits almost level with big and littles

I've found i could get lost on that site for hours.

Nice bucket putz. Its got a great stance.

Mockup is great for getting things setup how you think is the best. With a bucket image is everything. Ya gotta build what you think looks good.

Here is mine, just about the same rake.

Mike you can't go wrong with that sbc over the 6. As i have said before, ya gotta look at resale too. The sbc is going to give you a much larger buyer base and more return on your investment. Your buyer is going to be looking for certain 'must haves' to give it full value. A buck or two more spent on some parts will come back many times over.

I have seen Putz's bucket. It's stance is right on both from looks and practicality.

Becky (Bruce's bucket) stole my heart the first time I saw her. So much so that my daughters car will pass for her sister. This bucket is a bench mark in my opinion.

Dusty has done a great job of taking his bucket and making it his own. My hat's of to you sir.

I betcha you're not done changing plans yet... it happens all the time, they're never FINISHED.

My garage is full of rims and tires because I like to change the look often.

Cragars, wires, Ansen Sprints.. and if I ever get a big fat pile of money I might get some black steelies with chrome beauty rings or maybe just some painted whites and a set of thin whitewall tires, that might look pretty cool.

They're never done, just keep playing with it until your're happy.
Brucer said:
this is a good thread over on the hamb.. Hot Rods 60s style T-Buckets. - THE H.A.M.B.

I have that one on my favorites.

putz said:

That's one my favorites also. I can get lost in there for a long time.

Brucer said:

I love the way some posters call 'em " Cookie cutters..."They all look alike...blah blah blah". How many ways can you build a Deuce or Model A? Unless it's a total custom it's gonna look pretty much like any other Deuce or A bone. Some of those guys need to do a little research and see what rolling abortions hot rods became when the evolved (?) into "Street rods" back in the 80's. There's still plenty of butt ugly street rodded Deuces, A bones, '34's, etc., running around out there.
Well Mike, I see you hit your first hurddle in the car building saga. Thats the thing about building a car, you have to be willing to change your plan. You have a vision in your head, but as you go along something doesn't look right so you have to adapt.


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