Yesterday, I found a camera here on Kauai.
This morning I called the police to see if it had been reported lost. The officer say they would send an officer over to pick it up. I asked what if no one reported it, would it go into their annual action. He said it would. I told him I didnt agree with that policy and would explore other avenues.
I then put an ad on Craigslist, but I don't know that it will be seen by the owner. Nor do I know that they might check with the police though the police do have my name and number here as well a my wif'e's cell number.
When I get home I'm going to call the camera manufacturer's customer service number to see if they can give me the owner's name throught the serial number.
I also thought about placing a listing on ebay with a unusually high price (so no one bids) to see if the owner might be looking for a new camera and can ident this one.
I welcome suggestions to help me reunite this camera with it's rightful owner.
This morning I called the police to see if it had been reported lost. The officer say they would send an officer over to pick it up. I asked what if no one reported it, would it go into their annual action. He said it would. I told him I didnt agree with that policy and would explore other avenues.
I then put an ad on Craigslist, but I don't know that it will be seen by the owner. Nor do I know that they might check with the police though the police do have my name and number here as well a my wif'e's cell number.
When I get home I'm going to call the camera manufacturer's customer service number to see if they can give me the owner's name throught the serial number.
I also thought about placing a listing on ebay with a unusually high price (so no one bids) to see if the owner might be looking for a new camera and can ident this one.
I welcome suggestions to help me reunite this camera with it's rightful owner.