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You Are Posting Personal Info With Every Photo


Well-Known Member
Every photo you take has EXIF metadata embedded in the file. It can tell you .....
- Authors
- Owner
- Camera Type
- Exposure
- Date Taken
- Focal Length
- etc, etc, etc

AND if you are using your phone with GPS turned on, you are telling everyone where you have been on a specific date and time. They can figure out where you live, work, etc. Now every photo is not going to have every piece of data, just depends on the device you are using.

To check for EXIF data on your files, just Right Click on the file and then select Properties, then click on the Details tab.

Here is the data from one of my photos.

To remove all data, click on the blue text inside the green box.

The box labeled "Camera serial number" blue highlight is where you can add info for your photo. Some fields you can edit and some you cannot.


Forr more about this subject read the article below.

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It astounds me how much effort is put into tracking, manipulating, and controlling us, taking our freedom, yet seemingly simple issues that affect actual quality of life are ignored. I must stop here or I will undoubtably offend someone, God forbid... thanks for sharing!

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