Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Iowa retiree with a 23 ''t'' bucket..


Hello I'am from central Iowa,been retired 7 years,from road work. 4 years ago, seen a ''t'' bucket advertised [partly done] in paper. Went and looked @ it & bought it.I have it in my extra garage, & have been working on it.I go to car shows , parades and ride around the lake in the evenings with it, and love ever minute of it:lol:. will try to get a picture on here later.
Glad to have ya! Hope you enjoy or little place and I look forward to seeing pics of your T Bucket.

It's nice to see someone come in and he knows rule #1!:)
Welcome to the site. How far from the Minnesota border are you? I'm about 45 minutes north of Iowa.Glad to have you here.

Welcome :)
:) Pop! Hope jump right in, you'll find a wealth of information here and a good bunch of fellows!
Howdy from Texas :cool:

Welcome to the forum. BTW, did you realize you are operating illegally? It's the law that when you retire you have to move to Florida with the rest of us retirees. :lol:

Let's see some pictures of your T. :):)

Don, I thought you went back to work? Must be using an alias huh? I just know you won't do anything illegal.


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