Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Jag and wildwood brakes


What type of master cylinder are you guys using with the wildwood front brakes and jag rear disc brakes? Thanks Ronson
I have installed a two master cylinder system with a one inch bore for the front an
and a three quarters for rear jag brakes using a balance bar designed for a race car. Hopefully will have car running after first of the year.
Is there a Wildwood brake kit that will fit a Jag Rear End? Last time, I checked on this, they needed an adapter bracket, which no one knew where to source
Had to do this to fit my JFZ (bought out by Wilwood)

rear caliper brackets mod (1) [1024x768] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG

r claiper brackets (2) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG

rear brakes 2015 july (12) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC) (Copy).JPG

rear brakes 2015 july (29) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC) (Copy).JPG
Mark, if you know what you need or have a diagram/print of the adapter, I know somebody who can make it for you. I'll give you his initials... RPM
Gerry. U do some engenuis work and ideas. Looks like u have emergency brake on the driveline. Thx for all the ideas. I will try to post some pictures. Ronson
I keep trying to post pictures but I'm doing something wrong. I am on photo bucket but can't seem to make it work. Help? Thx Ronson
Can you import the pic to your computer? Then you can browse your files and post it from there.
Gerry. U do some engenuis work and ideas. Looks like u have emergency brake on the driveline. Thx for all the ideas. I will try to post some pictures. Ronson

Yep, it s go-cart calliper. The 'disk' also has a groove to run the alternator.

altenator and tensioner (10) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC) (Copy).JPG
altenator and tensioner (11) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC) (Copy).JPG
That's right. Alternator kicks in at 7mph. Didn't want it mounted on the engine.
Wow I got it to work. That motor isn't in the car anymore. I used it for mockup. It's a572 in chev 12.5 compression with a 1271 blower 68 percent overdrive. Runs on methenol. Burns 5 gallons in 300 feet in tractor pulls. Has Allen Johnson billet heads, top fuel rods and pistons. Turns 8000rpm in a heartbeat. I have a 350 in the car. I will see if I can get some more pictures.

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