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Jag rear end crossmember


Active Member
I was browsing Snow White Performances website looking at short waterpumps and I noticed they make a Jag crossmember to bolt in a Jag rearend. A tbucket is not listed as an application but wouldn't it be possible to just short a model A version and use it?

I'm not looking to use a Jag and just thought it was interesting as the subject comes up now and then so I thought I would share.
That looks like the one George Barnes builds. Somewhere on this forum he posted cad models of that unit. This would not be a hard build if you're thinking of using a Jag. Just a thought.

That looks like the one George Barnes builds. Somewhere on this forum he posted cad models of that unit. This would not be a hard build if you're thinking of using a Jag. Just a thought.


Yes it looks very simple by design. If you could weld it in you should be able to build it. That being said after fabricating everything all the time sometimes it is nice to just buy something and weld it in. lol.
You're right about that. It's hard to build something that is already in production and save any money if you consider your time. To do it right you just need to many specialized tools, machines and fixturs. I have plenty of the machines but no time. Friend of mine told me years ago, "Make your living with your back when you're young. Make it with you're mind when you're old." Course he told me this when I was in my late 50s. I told him, "I haven't learned how to make that transition." To late to change now for sure.

Kurt has a new design for a jag, he designed it for his kids car and is now gonna start producing them. Looks bad ass!
Kurt Hamilton probably. He's in Ca. still rebuilding jag rears for street rods and Cobra kit cars. Neat guy. I went around to his shop on my last trip to the U.S.

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