Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Just sayin Hello

Baby Bision

New Member
Hello T Bucket forum
I'm new to this, so here we go.
Am building my first bucket, using CCR's plans that I bought back in
Have the frame built, and rolling on wheels, more to do!;)
Welcome to the forum. Keep us posted on your project!
Welcome to the forum Baby Bision always room for another bucket builder.
Welcome Merry Christmas Enjoy the site alot of helpful people with some items that travel from car to car like setup headers so your new ones don't blue when tuning.
Welcome to the site. Keep us posted on your progress.
Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Been busy builden. seems that when I do get to the forum I spend all the time readen and lurnen.
I do enjoy this forum very much. I have frame looking good now, got it too long to begin with,looked kinda funny.
Stretched the body and got ride of the door bumps, floor in, and bed attached to frame. Just finished doing the pass side door.
All lookin good,but am kinda laid up for a while, had right heel operated on.
Will try to figure out how to post picts while laid-up.
Any chance you are from Montana? Buffalo?? I always wonder where the T guys are located, sorta relate to weather and landscape.
What kind of drive line are you planning for. Get well fast, got to send some pics. Welcome
AT this rate your gonna be a while. Im gonna need a BIG bucket of popcorn.............

And a refill on the soda !!!
Welcome back, now get busy and post some photos. Lol

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