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king pin inclination

Francis Blake

Active Member
I am trying to line up my front end,toe in 1/8 inch. Now for the caster, where do I set my angle finder in order to be able to check the king pin angle? The steering arm looks like a good spot to check the angle from, or is there a better place?
The top of the spindle should work o.k. anywhere between 5&8 degrees will work, doesn't really have to be precise I.M.H.O.

By the way, That's not K.P.A. , that's caster ,2 different things

I like to try to keep a 5 degree angle. If your going to be driving mostly at low speeds you'll like it better too.

Thanks for the replys but my problem is the top of my kp is not flat it has atop on it with a felt ring under it, I guess to keep dirt out of the kp and has a bump in the middle so there is not enough room to set my angle finder on it ,

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