Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Late Christmas present

der Spieler

I've been given two engines. One is a 4-bolt 350 that will become a 383 stroker for my racer and the other is a 400 that will either find it's way into my next T or into a pickup that I have yet to find. The 350 has a lot of new bits and was being built to go into a stock car. I don't know much about the 400 other than it is a good engine. They are both free so I'm not going to ask too many questions. I'm picking them up on Saturday.
K:cool::cool:L Score! Have fun with both builds.
I've been doing a little research and the 400 might be my race motor. Stroked I could make it a 454 small block. It would move me up a class but that's okay. It's all about cubic horsepower.
for the car steve's building i would think mo is better........

What's the general consensus on using a powerglide transmission in a T. I found out this evening a little more about what I will be getting tomorrow (today). There is a 400 and a 350 that are both on stands as well as two other 350 blocks. There are two or three extra cams, at least one of them new and never used, a couple of extra sets of heads and a powerglide. There are other parts and I will do an inventory when everything is unloaded and post it.
I really don't think you'd like it. Set it to the side and I'll pick it up and dispose of it for you. (did I get that out with a straight face?)

My first T (the one in my avitar that a buddy has now) has a pg in it and runs great.
'glides are tough tranny's. i wouldn't hesitate to run one one the street. biggest drawback would be the 2 speed. roundy round guys love 'em.

Todd you are a nice guy offering to help Steve out like that. How could he refuge your offer to help!!!!!!!!!! you should start a non profit organization that removes old hotrod parts from these poor guys. "Hotrods for Humanity"
rooster57 said:
Todd you are a nice guy offering to help Steve out like that. How could he refuge your offer to help!!!!!!!!!! you should start a non profit organization that removes old hotrod parts from these poor guys. "Hotrods for Humanity"

Its nice to see someone understands me. Even if it is a dancing chicken.
The Christmas present isn't making it home today. All of the stuff was on a trailer at a another friend's farm. We were going out to get the trailer today and pull it into town and unload it. What we found was that the friend decided he needed the trailer and he unloaded it and put all of the parts neatly on shelves in his building. I guess I will be going out and getting what I need when I need it. There are two 350s and one 400 on stands. The one 350 has a hole in a cylinder wall from a racing incident. That one will go to the back of the queue. The powerglide is a newly rebuilt stock unit. It's never been run. There are three sets of heads on the shelves. One set is a powerpack set that has been ported and polished. No double humps. There are 2bbl and 4bbl carbs and intakes (stock) on the shelves as well as high volume mechanical fuel and oil pumps and an open Ford 9" third member. I think that used to be mine so it's coming home to roost. Radiators. valve covers, a pile of pistons and rods. pulleys (stock and billet). It'll take a week to sort through all of it. Some of it will go to scrap and a lot of it will eventually end up on a shelf in my garage waiting its turn.

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