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Leaf Spring


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I discovered a crack in the main leaf of the buggy rear spring on my roadster. The spring is probably an old Ford spring. It has 4 leaves with tapered ends. I disassembled it last year and had some arc put back in it, probably the source of the crack. The problem arises from trying to decide what to do. The spring perches measure 40.5 inches wide. The shackles are 2.5 inches. I don't mind replacing the whole spring, but do not want to pay for a custom length. I think I can fudge half an inch on the length and could use different length shackles to find a replacement. I know there are a couple of other measurements involved in getting the correct spring. I have googled and checked Posies, Speedway and all the catalogs I have, but have been unable to find something that seems to be the right replacement. I hope to do this for less than $250 and if I pay that I would not expect to have to modify anything. I do not want to add coilovers or change the perches. I need some advise or recommendations to get me going. It is not the high arch type.
Correction on some of the facts. The spring has 8 leaves and the arch is 7 inches from the eye centers to the bottom of the center.
I discovered a crack in the main leaf of the buggy rear spring on my roadster. The spring is probably an old Ford spring. It has 4 leaves with tapered ends. I disassembled it last year and had some arc put back in it, probably the source of the crack. The problem arises from trying to decide what to do. The spring perches measure 40.5 inches wide. The shackles are 2.5 inches. I don't mind replacing the whole spring, but do not want to pay for a custom length. I think I can fudge half an inch on the length and could use different length shackles to find a replacement. I know there are a couple of other measurements involved in getting the correct spring. I have googled and checked Posies, Speedway and all the catalogs I have, but have been unable to find something that seems to be the right replacement. I hope to do this for less than $250 and if I pay that I would not expect to have to modify anything. I do not want to add coilovers or change the perches. I need some advise or recommendations to get me going. It is not the high arch type.

Check with Snyders Antique Auto Parts . They list both T and A springs.

If all else fails look up spring makers. I always found them to be really cheap when it came to leaf springs.
Check with spring manufacturing companies in your area. You should be able to find someone to make up a new leaf for way under $250. If you have trouble locating a shop near you, check with alignment shops or truck repair shops. They might be able to help you find someone to do the job. You could get a better ride if you shed 2 or 3 of those leaves. Check the artical in the tech section on Model A springs.

This arch does not sound like a T or an A rear spring, almost sounds like a front spring of some type... We need pics of the setup to really be able to give correct advise... With tapered leaves, that many leaves does not sound too bad, just have a new main leaf made, a bit shorter if the perches are too narrow, just want the shackles to have about 45 degrees when the car is loaded with all it's running/driving weight... Don't get rid of those tapered leaves, they are called easy ride springs...
While I had the spring off to re arc, glass bead, and repaint, I noticed how soft it was to have so many leaves. I could rest the eyes on the floor and it took only the weight of my foot and leg to make it spread an inch or so on both ends.
I called the best shot in town on making a main leaf today, no luck. I have one more place to try before I have to consider shipping. It very well could be a front spring. I have no history on the T or builder. I hope to get it disassembled and repaired as warm weather is on us. thanks,
If you had a spring that you could not stand on and have it spread out at least that much, it will ride like a buckboard, no spread, waaaay toooo stiff... It always take a spring spreader to hook up a spring to the hangers and mount... I will see if I can find mine, if not, I will make another to show you how to make your own...
I found a place in town that said, to bring the spring by and he will see if he can make me one. I think he wants to see if he can find a match. I was told they had a furnace and used to roll their own. I hope they still operate the furnace. I don't recall how I got the spring spread to install last time, but the soft resistance made it doable without a spreader.
You really don't need a spring spreader. Prep all the leaves and assemble it in place on the car. You should be able to spread the main leaf enough to hook up the shackles. Then use a long bolt or all thread through the center bolt hole in the spring, draw the leaves together, clamp them and replace the center bolt.


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