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lets VOTE Manual or Electric

Electric gauges... however, I think the oil pressure sending unit is butt ugly on a clean engine, so I hard tubed the line using brake line fittings to under the car and hid the oil pressure sending unit there... just ran it along my line for the transmission vacuum modulator...


The one on the left goes to sending unit, the one on the right coming off the back of the carb is to modulator...

oh yea... mechanical fuel pressure gauge on fuel log to.
Is there such a thing as an electric fuel pressure gauge?

409T said:
Is there such a thing as an electric fuel pressure gauge?

There all electric unless you have the origanal.Or if your like Fred and Ted you have a Stick as a guage.:rolleyes:
Pressure is pressure any milivolt sender or resistance sender can be converted if you have a gauge to read it didgital or analog. A fuel gauge will read pressure if the sender matches the reciever. IE 3 ohms of resistance equals 1/4 tank or meaning if the sender sees 10 psi and that equals 3 ohms or resistance at the sender then 10 psi of fuel pressure equals 1/4 tank of gas if all you had was a traditional fuel gauge, and if you had 30 psi that would be 9 ohms of resistance and would register 3/4 tank of gas.. We have taken gauges apart before and media blast the BAR and KGF2 off the face and screen print our own readout for special applications.

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