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Life and Deckofficer

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This is the only forum I belong to. I have looked at other forums, but this is the cleanest and neatest one I've seen. Deckofficer was the first one to welcome me to the forum so I'm sorry to see things had to end this way. I own a business. You can't come into someone's house and disrespect them, so I hope you guys can work things out. And the house belongs to the webmaster?!
I love and respect my dad more than any man alive, but there was a time when I thought he was just about the stupidest creature on the planet, and often told him as much. he had the right, but I'm sure glad he didn't beat me with a ball bat and lock me out of the house before I learned the difference.

Everyone, I want you all to know I look at this as being YOUR forum. YOU'VE made it what it is today. As for myself, I've just been going along for the ride.

But at the end of the day, Allen is absolutely correct. This is my house. I am responsible for the site being here. I am responsible for keeping it in top-running condition. When the server bill comes each month, it is addressed to me. As are all the other bills.

This is not the first time I've had to make unpopular decisions. And I'm sure it will not be the last. You can like my decisions, or you can hate them. That is up to each and everyone of you to decide for yourselves. But if you are going to participate on these forums, you're expected to respect the decisions I've made. If you really don't like something and cannot endure it, it is as simple as leaving. I cannot stress enough that we have a strict policy of not forcing anyone to come here, to participate here or to remain here. Everyone is free to leave at any time.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But don't expect me to sit here and endure someone complaining about every decision I have to make. Bob didn't like being restricted in attaching images to his posts. Bob didn't like my policy of not accepting personal checks and took multiple opportunities to point that out to me. Bob didn't like that I didn't immediately drop everything to help someone who refused to help themselves. Bob is certainly entitled to his opinions, the same as any of us are. He was uncomfortable with the way things were handled around here, he didn't like the fact I was not going to start making special exceptions for him and he's soon going to find he's actually a lot more comfortable not being chafed by all the restrictions he felt he was forced to suffer here.

To make sure no one steps over the line and makes a disparaging observation about Bob, I'm going to lock this down.
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