Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

looking for info


I am looking for some reading on wiring diagrams and how to use solinoids,relay and all that stuff like Rooster did on his, I know how to wire off of a fuse block and diagram but I don't know about the fancy stuff.Can someone clue me in? THANKS I always like to learn new stuff
Akita i am going to post some basic diagrams on my picasa website in a bit and i will be glad to help u in any way i can. you can email me anytime at And i can send u a diagram that addresses what your working on.
Some will say my wiring is overkill. Let me put it this way i have seperate circuits to all devices so if something shorts out it doesnt effect something else. When the horn quits its just the horn!!! not the tail lights to!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is some basic advice. Dont buy cheap relays!!! The dif in cost between the 15 amp and 30 amp is a couple bucks. Use 30 amp relays for things like lights , fuelpumps, and any other accessories and simply fuse the load to the proper level. Lay everything out before you start and get a basic plan in your head. Dont use wire smaller than 16 this would be the the control circuits. Like from your switches to the relay coils, and gauges, gauge lights and so on. DONT try to use solid wire it WONT work. Use stranded wire only. I dont use THHN or TFFN for these type of projects because its hard to straighten out and stay where u put it. BY far the best wire to use is MTW "machine tool wire "Ace hardware has a real good selection of dif color wires. most trailer supply places have multi conductor flat cable in 16 gauge thats real handy. 16 gauge is good for 8 amps. # 14 is good for 15 amps # 12 is good for 20 amps. # 10 is good for 30 amps # 8 is good for 50 amps. Now some of these guys are gona jump up and down and say this is to low of an amp rating for this size wire. Number one the amp rating of all wire is NOT the same the insulation and inviroment temp determines the ampacity of the wire . So using this as a guide you will never overload a wire if it is sized to the load properly . Also these are glass cars you need to build a ground buss, i used a piece of brass and drilled and tapped a bunch of holes in it so 90% fo all my grounds live right there. You need a ground cable from the frame to the motor or trans . I have the main battery ground from the battery to my ground buss then to the frame . You need to remove paint from where the cable will contact the frame the threads and nut are not enough to give good connection. Use a good set of crimpers you dont need to break the bank for these i use several types but for this i will post a pic of some klein crimpers that are very good. The ones that come with a kit that have built in stripers are not so good.
rooster57 said:
... 16 gauge is good for 8 amps. # 14 is good for 15 amps # 12 is good for 20 amps. # 10 is good for 30 amps # 8 is good for 50 amps...

Absolutely dead nuts on the money... 100% agreement... Now keep in mind when Rooster suggests using 30 AMP relays, that means your supply and load wires need to be 10 AWG stranded wire...
Akita i posted some relay diagrams. I dont know if this is to elementry or what so dont be offended if it is :eek:, just tell me and i will turn the heat up a bit on the next diagrams.:cool::cool: click on the pic when you get there for the explanation.

Also this is a great resource for auto electrical parts IE switches, fuse blocks, and stuff.

The modular plugs if you want to use them are here. I get mine from Digi-key but these are the same.

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