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Lost for words


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has been here at least 3 minutes knows I have the gift of gab. When I was still in the pulpit, I always made a habit of looking at my watch, so my congregation would realize I actually had not forgotten about the time.

But every now and again, something happens, and it just leaves me at a loss for words. Today, one of those things happened. Again.

Take a close look at the last donation appearing in the Donation Manager, which would be the top donation -


What can you say about a guy like @RPM ? He pays for monthly advertising. And in all the years he has been a forum sponsor, I've sent him something like four invoices, because he a-l-w-a-y-s pays me before I even have the month's invoices prepared. I send out invoices on the 26th of the month, and they are due on the 1st. RPM paid me last Saturday, the 22nd.

It doesn't happen as much as it did when I was working from home, but RPM used to call me every couple of weeks, just to check up on me, and see how things were going. A few years back, when forum expenses were like some flesh-eating monster, always trying to devour me, RPM would auction off one of his products to the highest bidder, ship the item to whoever won the auction, and then would send me the money.

And this is not the first time RPM has donated to cover forum expenses, when we were getting down to the wire.

And then I want you to look at the second name, right below RPM's. It shows @Dan Noecker donated $50, on Wednesday, at 8:48 PM. I've since deleted the messages, but late on Monday, or early Tuesday, Dan sent me a message via the Contact Us form, saying he was having trouble registering. Usually, those messages start off with salutations like, "Dear A**hole...," but Dan simply said he was having problems. After a couple of e-mails, we sorted what was happening, and at 2:22 PM on Wednesday, Dan completed his registration. No bitches, no beefs, we just worked our way through what was happening. And, what really floored me is that he wrote me back, to let me know he had successfully registered. Most of the Dear A**hole letter-writers never bother to let me know that their problem was solved, I just stumble across them on the forums.

But I want you to look at those time stamps. Dan registered at 2:22 PM, and then donated $50 to support the forum, just six hours later.

When I see these kinds of things happening, it reminds me that this place really does hold a lot of hope, and it holds a lot of promise. There are a lot of generous members who help me keep the doors open around here, by sending donations. But there are also a lot of generous members who help me keep myself going, by dropping me a kind message every now and again.

So, whilst I started this post to extend my heartfelt gratitude to RPM and Dan, I want to take this moment to thank all of you. It has taken every last one of you to make this place what it is, today. There have been times when I was proud we weathered yet another storm, but in retrospect, I see those storms were really insignificant events. Because it is going to take something mighty big to overcome the sense of community all of you have built and nurtured here.

Thanks, everyone. Thanks for doing what you do, to help make this place a little bit better, with each passing day.

Peace out.
I'm glad we have people like this to keep things alive. Some of us are in less favorable money situations and give when we can. Thanks again guys. And thanks Mike.
FWIW.. I don't even own a T-Bucket, but I do have a roadster, along with a couple of other hot rods. I enjoy this forum, and I like reading all the posts, and even adding something when I can. I kick in what I think is my fair share each month. If everyone would do what little they can, it would take a bit of the load off of the bigger donors. Not bitchin, just sayin. Thanks everyone for keeping this place going for all to enjoy. Thanks to Mike for all his efforts especially. I maintain a couple of web sites for an airplane club and a car club, and it is a job, nothing like what goes on here labor wise.
Kudos to Mike for helping me get signed up. I am just a shmuck in central california who wants to build a car. I found this forum and thought if I could just get one idea on what to do it would be worth it. Being a retired engineer type with machine shop skills, I hope along the way I may be able to give back in small measure to someone who needs help getting started. I like reading the posts and really like what cooter has to say. I hope to actually meet some of you along the way
Dan, no need to thank me, I appreciated your attitude as we worked through the problem/s. You have no idea how many times a week people spit blood at me, because they have something wrong on their end, and cannot register. We bring in a new member or two, almost every day, but when someone hits a snag, it's all my *^&(^% fault, and I am a $%^#*%*( because of it.

Welcome to the T-Bucket Forums!
We bring in a new member or two, almost every day, but when someone hits a snag, it's all my *^&(^% fault, and I am a $%^#*%*( because of it.

Welcome to the T-Bucket Forums![/QUOTE]

Working for/with the public is bad juju in my opinion, when you don't have to do anything wrong and you get blessed/cussed/ or any fashion of tirate thrown at you.
BUT--- for people like you and a FEW others--- we will still have the greatest T-Bucket forum on the web. You know your heart is in the right place when you can tolerate even me.
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