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Low temp shrink/ solder splice connectors


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, have any of you tried these low heat shrink / solder connectors? Do they work? I saw them and they seem like a cool idea. They are supposed to be water proof and only require low temp to shrink and solder. My question is how do they solder at low heat? I know from experience that getting the wire hot is the imprortant part of soldering, melting the solder onto the wire doesn't represent a good solder joint. Just wondered if they were worth trying.
I use them exclusively. Twist wires together (after slipping the connector over one of them!), position the solder sleeve over the twist, and hit with a heat gun. Do a few test joints and try to pull them apart.
I use them exclusively. Twist wires together (after slipping the connector over one of them!), position the solder sleeve over the twist, and hit with a heat gun. Do a few test joints and try to pull them apart.
Ok, I'll try them. I was just suspicious about the solder flowing. Should be a time saver.

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