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Messin' around in the shop


New Member
I was messin' around in the shop this weekend, found a piece of 3/16" I whipped up a couple of these.



THats cool vance glad to see you working on it again..
RocknT said:
THats cool vance glad to see you working on it again..

I'm doing what I can, while I wait for the spindles.
hopefully RPM will be building me a set of rear radius rods soon.:cool:

Originally I started out to build the "Car-Craft Project T", I had a friend from the NTBA that happed to have a plan book and he gave it to me. Years ago in High School I had the issues of the magazines that had the plans monthly.
So I built the rear spring perches or boxes or what ever you want to call em..Only instead of using all those little pieces and trying to hold em together and weld em up so they looked nice, I decided to build mine from 1 piece of Reqtangle tubing. I used 4X6 (I think) and layed em out and cut em out with a torch and a hole saw, then ground on em till they looked pretty good....Then I didn't use em. Instead I made another set and made them almost the same way, just a little different....(Confussed??) I'll try to find a picture.......LOL "BH"

Same Size Tubing, just open with the spring (Alden Coils 3"X7") sitting inside instead of on top like the CC plans...These Shocks are NAPA Mustang II # 94055 Gas Filled with a snubber.

A Better picture....

Here is the original Car Craft spring Perches I made from 1 piece of tube

This shows the original Corvair Coil Spring and Corvair Shock..
you still got that spare set layin' around??
those look alot better than mine, and I like the shock thru the spring bucket.

Coupefreak said:
you still got that spare set layin' around??
those look alot better than mine, and I like the shock thru the spring bucket.


Yurs look fine Vance, I just wanted to show ya what I made. I still have em, those are 1/4" tube so the shipping will kill ya... Find a piece of tube scrap and whittle some out. The problem with the old ones was it raised the rear end too dang much. And later a friend gave me a box full of Alden coils from his dirt track car, so I found a set of 7" coils and used em. By building the newer spring cups, I was able to lower the spring to the bottom of the axle tube instead of the top.
Still looks like hell with the shock hanging down, but thats the breaks, it works...I only have 1 1/2" of travel anyway.... "BH"
I like the way you think BH. Too many people take what they read in the mags as gospel. This is a great example of taking an idea and creating the part you need.

Youngster said:
I like the way you think BH. Too many people take what they read in the mags as gospel. This is a great example of taking an idea and creating the part you need.

Lots of ways to build things, magazines are full of other guys ideas. I like to look at em, gather what I can use and put it away in memory. Problem is, lots of guys try to build their cars like the ones in the magazines that are all "Nicy-Nicy" and they just don't turn out that way, the guy gets discouraged and either sells the project or quits and lets it sit.
Face it, Coil Overs are not cheap.....There are other ways to give a little spring to the rear end using common parts. If you look at the early t-buckets, none of them had coil overs, most were buggy springs or some sort of coil set up.
The Car Craft set up used corvair coils and shocks front and rear. Those cars were higher than the "Fad" type T's of today. The coil spring cups were fabed from 4 pieces of material, Top, two sides plates, bottom plate. The bottom plate being a little narrower than the top, so that means the side plates had to angle in slightly when welded to the top and bottom plates. All this while keeping the thru holes in alignment for the shock. I could see from being a fabricator for 30 years that that was goin to be a pain to put together that way. What I drew up and made, was a lot easyer to me. A little on the heavy side, I used what I had available..But we're not building indy cars here, a little weight won't hurt.
Hats off to ya Vance !! I was surprised to see you using that set up !! Good Deal !
And thank's for the Comment Ron, I never had anyone tell me they liked the way I think !! LOL..
When I find a spread on a car in a msg or here on the site that has a particularly unique idea, I study the write up. Chances are good there are other things there to find. A prime example of the is the thread Hotrod 46 is posting. Looking at any one of Mike's pictures will give you problem solving ideas.

BH...You are clearly a fabricator. I always enjoy reading your posts.


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