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Metal shapers meet in Minnesota


VIP Member
I had the distinct pleasure of attending a metal shapers meet this weekend in Denison Minnesota at Dan Pate's Route 56 Rods and Resto shop. There where craftsmen from the USA, Canada and even Sweden! The days where filled with people sharing their skills and knowledge. There where several semiars on everything from proper grinding techneques to the use of a Yoder. I ment a guy, Per (pronounced Pair) from Sweden. He's one very talented metaman. We shared out tips and tricks with each other. More on this later. I saw all sorts of hand made shop tools. More on this later too.

One really cool feature of this meet was you could bring in your project and work on them there! One guy brought the hood and rear fenders off his 1930 Oakland. Three days later he left with them straight as an arrow. He did the work himself with the guidence of at least 3 skilled metalmen.

Other projects ;
- a '30 A coupe being converted to a roadster.
-a '30 A coupes right rear quater with lots of dents and tear and in need of the bottm 5" needing to be replaced.
- the inner tailpan from a '36 coupe .
-a '40 Chebby COE cab being extended

All of these where completed by the end of the meet. I might add there where many small pieces made too from a '27 T gas door to a battery box.

I would urge everyone to take in a meet of this sort in your area.

Sounds really cool any pics of these tools?
I'm sorry to say I didn't take my camera with me, however I will be going back to Dan's within the next couple weeks to do some louvers in the side of the speedster hood. I will take the camera this time.
For those interested, go to ... click on 'new posts ' and look for Mn. spring 2012 event. There are a ton of pic's there to view.

Keeper, from want you've posted here, I know you would enjoy a meet like this. There were a couple guys from Canada there. Dan dose this 2 times a year. The spring meet is around May 1st and the fall meet is in October. He has this years fall meet set for Oct. 25, 26 & 27. Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I'm planning on being there all 3 days. Trust me, you would no be disappointed if you attend.

This is really interesting for an old body repairman like me. This has always been a very fascinating skill that I wish I had more time to study. Gettin to old to do a lot so I will leave it to the young guys.
Hey Francis, I'm 66 and got one foot on a banana skin! Never too old to learn.


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