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mike... forum admin


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could we change the Total Performance Header to the

Forum Support- Auction House

since TP is no more.

and have all the support auctions and posts to go there..
putz said:
It was the magazine.

Ahh yes, the magazine.... just outa curiosity putz, what is the significance of your name????

the only way that I know putz is, is stupid backwards.... it was an old middle school thing... reason that sticks in my mind cause this one guy would always call people "puts hctib" which backwards, translated stupid b!c*h so when I see your name, it kinda makes me laugh a little. just a old memory!!!!
Actually Dovehunter the word putz is a yiddish (German ) term and in english it is used as a non slang term that in this country can mean useless, acting foolish, in the original language it was a vulger term that was the equililant of calling some one a D@#k, But most common was to refer to someone as the piece of skin that was discarded after a Circumcision . And Putz i would never refer to you in any of the above manner. Just makin a point some terms could get a laugh or a black eye. "Fact is stranger than truth"
There are actually two reasons they call me this. First when snowmobiling I am always last incase somebody breaks down or a new rider I stay back with them(putzing) Second I am always putzing around working on some different project.Mostly the first though.Never smashed a snowmobile in 34 years of riding also teach snowmobile safety wouldn't look good if teacher had smashed sled.
IMG%5D here is a link to a pic of me this should explain alot.
I know this is going to be "hard" "no impossible" to believe but i am speachless. I have never seen a bigger PUTZ in my life and i mean that in a good way. But twister with beautiful girls who is the putz now. Your picture had an opposite effect on me.
That was at a 5 day rock music festival. It was one of my halloween costumes.I get dressed up for halloween every year.
halloween is the best holiday of the year. My best memories have been halloween parties, spook houses and costumes.
AWWW MAN !!!! pleas tell me that they aint going to play the game TWISTER on that suit with you in it ,,if they did send the info on ordering one those ,,LOL
I actually did have some women I didn't know playing twister that same night.WITH THE SUIT ON.
putz said:
There are actually two reasons they call me this. First when snowmobiling I am always last incase somebody breaks down or a new rider I stay back with them(putzing) Second I am always putzing around working on some different project.Mostly the first though.Never smashed a snowmobile in 34 years of riding also teach snowmobile safety wouldn't look good if teacher had smashed sled.
IMG%5D here is a link to a pic of me this should explain alot.

Lucky you if some girls rolled and left and right butt cheek on the yellow circles!!!! :D

rooster57 said:
Actually Dovehunter the word putz is a yiddish (German ) term and in english it is used as a non slang term that in this country can mean useless, acting foolish, in the original language it was a vulger term that was the equililant of calling some one a D@#k, But most common was to refer to someone as the piece of skin that was discarded after a Circumcision . And Putz i would never refer to you in any of the above manner. Just makin a point some terms could get a laugh or a black eye. "Fact is stranger than truth"

Good stuff right here Tim!!!!!
I have a good friend who is some sort of German military exchange student. He and his family were in the military in germany. He is in the German airforce ( Lufftwaffe)When i say he brought his family i mean his whole family. His mom and his grandma and his wife and kids. His mom speaks some english but his grandma speaks only german and Yiddish. His Grandma was one of the 1000 ladies in the Hitler secretaral pool during the war. The stories she would tell through her grand son translating is awesome. This is my source for yiddish lingo. Even today she has nothing but good things to say about what hitler did for their country untill the war broke out of course. She said the majority of people didnt know or even suspect and some didnt believe the situation of years after the war was over. Very interresting to hear the other side on such a huge event.

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