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modifying ford A


Hi i want to buy a ford A for my dad and then turn it in to a T but i really dont know what involve for the frame that transformation .
I have many question like ¿ why you make angles in the back ? ¿ is for lowering ? ¿is really necessary ? because is for my dad and the law in my country i want make it the most original possible
¿ what´s make a ford A a real T bucket ?
thanks for the help you can bring me
Welcome to our forum. What you describe is a little confusing to me. Why not just start with a model T and go from there? The frame angles you speak of are what we call the "kick-up" in the rear, and, yes, it is to achieve a lower height for the body. Without the kick-up, the body looks awkward sitting on the frame. Look at the gallery for Spirit Cars, and you will see a number of different T buckets. Maybe that will help you pick what you want yours to look like.

Spirit Industries
Welcome to our forum. What you describe is a little confusing to me. Why not just start with a model T and go from there? The frame angles you speak of are what we call the "kick-up" in the rear, and, yes, it is to achieve a lower height for the body. Without the kick-up, the body looks awkward sitting on the frame. Look at the gallery for Spirit Cars, and you will see a number of different T buckets. Maybe that will help you pick what you want
So the original t bucket known as kookie car is made on ford T frame ? I will take a look of the gallery
Welcome to our forum. What you describe is a little confusing to me. Why not just start with a model T and go from there? The frame angles you speak of are what we call the "kick-up" in the rear, and, yes, it is to achieve a lower height for the body. Without the kick-up, the body looks awkward sitting on the frame. Look at the gallery for Spirit Cars, and you will see a number of different T buckets. Maybe that will help you pick what you want yours to look like.

so the original T bucket known as kookie car was build on ford T frame ? in a documentary film i saw that the car was build on a ford A frame that why i was thinking on a ford A . I going to take a look on that gallery .
OK, now I see where you're coming from. Yes, the original Kookie car was built using model A frame rails that were cut and welded to achieve the look that the builder wanted. These days, there are better ways to accomplish that. If you're a good welder, CCR has plans for building your T-bucket from scratch, using rectangular steel tubing. If not, they can sell you a pre-welded frame, and so can Ron Pope (RPM Motorsports) or Spirit Cars, all three companies are sponsors of this forum.

My car started with a Spirit frame.

3 frame.jpgD1.jpg
You can buy a frame cheaper than you can buy the material and build it yourself. Even if you have a welder and the ability to do so. Material is expensive when not buying in bulk. 2 20' sticks of 1 1/2 x 3 x 3/16 cost me $209.00 Shipping costs is the only draw back

Youngster's frame plans are on here also.
in my country for what i understand making a car from scratch is called hechizo that type of vehicles has restriction to circulate for example on the freeway
from santiago to San Antonio (route 68) .I want to circulate in that freeway because my dad lived in San Antonio and has a house there.
¿what frame need less modification T or A ?
¿what other requirements has the T bucket frame ? or the kick up is all ?
I would think if you’re building a T Bucket you would want a T frame. It would fit the T body with only minor modifications or none at all. If you’re building the frame yourself, the T frame is a simple design compared to the A frame.
If you are a first time builder my advice would buy a kit from one of our sponsors. Spirit builds a nice kit and will supply a title to make it a car you will be able to drive anywhere. I’m not sure but I would think CCR and RPM may as well. Spirit even has financing available. I have been building these for 50 years and if I could no longer do it myself Spirit would get my call.
so the T is the best options Now I just have to save and find a T.
i was thinking in a body and bed from T bucket world (i want a long bed and steel body ) . i will look for options on the sites that your are saying .

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