Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

My Introduction


New Member
Hello All!

I have been a car nut my whole life, but have been without a rod for a while now. I need to start a project I know I can finish! My wife says that's a rare event around here. :lol:

I found this forum talked about on the HAMB, so I thought I would head on over. :D

I actually worked for a guy back in the mid to late 70's when I was younger who built street rods, including T-Buckets and their related components. His name was James Kirby and his company was called Challenger Street Rods. I wasn't much more than a floor sweeper at first, but I eventually learned a ton. It's where I got started learning how to machine and fab.

Since then, I have spent the last 30 years of my life as a precision machinist and fabricator for the high-tech and aerospace industries. I would love to say most of that experience was spent building cars, but no such luck. A man has got to eat. :neutral:

I have heard good things about this list with its friendly and knowledgeable people who populate it! I look forward to making a contribution soon myself.

Take care all!

WELCOME TO THE BEST SITE ON THE WEB! They say building a t-bucket isn't rocket science so this will be a cake walk for you!
:lol: great group of guy's here,,
Welcome to the site Dave. I've alway been a fan of Jim Kirby's work. The T project that was in Popular Street Rodding was my bible for years. There's one of the copies in my file just inches from where I'm sitting now. I loved that orange car. Do you know if he's still in business? Sorry, didn't meam to run on that way. Are you planing a build anytime soon? Do you have a theme for your T yet?

See, we not only answer questions here, we ask them too.

Hope you enjoy the site. Don't be afraid to pop in when you have something to say

Welcome David :lol:
Hey Dave and welcome! Sounds like you'll be a great "answer man". Please, make yourself at home and chime in anytime.

Man, I'm running out of ways to say welcome!:D
Youngster said:
Welcome to the site Dave. I've alway been a fan of Jim Kirby's work. The T project that was in Popular Street Rodding was my bible for years. There's one of the copies in my file just inches from where I'm sitting now. I loved that orange car. Do you know if he's still in business? Sorry, didn't meam to run on that way. Are you planing a build anytime soon? Do you have a theme for your T yet?

See, we not only answer questions here, we ask them too.

Hope you enjoy the site. Don't be afraid to pop in when you have something to say


Yes! Jim is still at it! He makes and sells a few things on Ebay. He goes by the user name "skinhead661". Not the most politically correct name, but hey, they where calling him skinhead long before it was considered un-cool.

Here is a link to his store:
eBay Seller: skinhead661: Parts Accessories, eBay Motors items on

I would love to find some copies of that article(s) for the T-Bucket build. What year and month's where the features in? I can't remember. I'm sure I'll be able to find the back issues on Ebay, or such.

I spent many a Friday afternoon polishing that little car, getting it ready for his trips to shows! That's what the new guy did. Learned how to polish, and polish, and polish, and.... :eek:

I miss those days. I wouldn't trade any of it for all the money in the world. :cool:

Take care,


Are you by any chance originally from K.C. and used to work at the Ben Franklin warehouse in N.K.C.?
GAB said:

Are you by any chance originally from K.C. and used to work at the Ben Franklin warehouse in N.K.C.?

No sorry, never been to Kansas City. Born and raised in Southern Cali. I live in Colorado now.

Take care,


You have just found the best forum on the NET. We are always here to help

I am from Colorado as well. What general area of the state are you in ? :welcome:
coloradotbucket said:

You have just found the best forum on the NET. We are always here to help

I am from Colorado as well. What general area of the state are you in ? :welcome:

I am up in Fort Collins. What part of the state are you in?
Howdy from your Southern Neighbors in Amarillo TX:D

Well I am in Colorado Springs now used to be in Greeley, but did get my T Bucket in Loveland and know all the guys from around that area. Loveland/Fort Collins has a super bunch of Hot Rodders in it.
The articals on the T build started in Sept of '74. I'm thinkin' it ran for 4 months with the last installment being a full color layout of the finished car. He must have worked his buns off 'cause it was ready for the Vegas Fall Fun Fest Rod Run late in '74. The copy i have came out of a Argus Special that's copywrited in'76. It also has the Deuce coupe and the '34 Ford pick up builds in it.

See what you can find on the bay. If nothing else, I'll see if I can find the issues and copy them for you. If you built a clone of this car, it would be a great tribute to a great builder.

Hello All!

I have been a car nut my whole life, but have been without a rod for a while now. I need to start a project I know I can finish! My wife says that's a rare event around here. :lol:

I found this forum talked about on the HAMB, so I thought I would head on over. :D

I actually worked for a guy back in the mid to late 70's when I was younger who built street rods, including T-Buckets and their related components. His name was James Kirby and his company was called Challenger Street Rods. I wasn't much more than a floor sweeper at first, but I eventually learned a ton. It's where I got started learning how to machine and fab.

Since then, I have spent the last 30 years of my life as a precision machinist and fabricator for the high-tech and aerospace industries. I would love to say most of that experience was spent building cars, but no such luck. A man has got to eat. :neutral:

I have heard good things about this list with its friendly and knowledgeable people who populate it! I look forward to making a contribution soon myself.

Take care all!

hi David
My name is Judi and Jim is my step dad. My mom (Judi) said to ask if you recall the name bullwinkle?
Jim has had a stroke but is recovering and I’m so excited to share this with my him the next Time I visit him. Cars, drags, riddlers were his life’s blood! He will be thrilled to see that you spoke highly of him

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