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My Paint Job


New Member
:Dnew pics of my paint job in my gallery :D
i am very happy with it
now its time to put it back together for the last
time :D all im waiting for now is my wheels from
jegs they have been backordered for 10 weeks now :sad:

(note: fred please post my pics in this thread thanks)
I like it! Mind if I share for ya...



Ya know, it is different, but I like it too. Done very well, which probably helps. If it weren't done as well it might look goofy.

Nice job.

SHOCKING!:eek::D Looks great! Puts a whole new spin on flames!
Very cool! Won't be long now!!

That is wild, I like it.
thank you everyone for the kind words
i did not do this my self i found an airbrush
artist who did it i just gave him some pics
of lightning he did a great job
sorry i dont know what color blue it is
the dark purple is that kind of paint that
looks differant from every angle

im on final assembly right now and then its off
to the upolster as a complete car
I CANT WAIT !!!:laff:
got my insurance yesterday haggerty
700 a year with a 40,000 value

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