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Need help choosing T kit


New Member
I have been looking at different companies T kits and am having a hard time figuring out whos better and which kit gives me the best bang for the buck. So far I have found Total Performance, Spirit, Hermans Fast Glass and Speedway Motors. Are there any other companies that make good kits at a good price? Of those that I listed can anyone give me some pros and cons for each?
MDrex said:
I have been looking at different companies T kits and am having a hard time figuring out whos better and which kit gives me the best bang for the buck. So far I have found Total Performance, Spirit, Hermans Fast Glass and Speedway Motors. Are there any other companies that make good kits at a good price? Of those that I listed can anyone give me some pros and cons for each?

I'd go with either Spirit or Hermans. Top quality and good price. BUT the best part is customer support. You can talk to either of the owners on the phone and get straight answers right away. I have delt with them all and those 2 guys are the best. :rofl:
I am really leaning towards Spirit. Something about their kits seems to fit what I want. One thing I really like about their kit is the body seems so complete, down to the opening door.

I haven't really looked at the Speedway kits yet, just saw that their kit prices seemed very low. Anyone have a Speedway T kit, or have any reason why I wouldn't want to go with them?
You won't be sorry if you buy a Spirit. Bob and Josh are great folks and they will take good care of you after the sale.

Are you coming to the Bucket Head Bash in July at the Spirit factory home town? Might want to think about it and you could pick up your kit while you are there. Save a lot on shipping.
Spirit is in Arizona right? I'm in Maryland, its a pretty long drive. It probably would't be much more to have it shipped compared to the cost of gas, renting a trailor and a truck, hotels and food, and flying to AZ to pick it up. If I got a Total I'd probably drive since CT is only about 5-7 hours depending on where in CT I have to go and I could use my friends truck for that trip.
MDrex said:
Spirit is in Arizona right? I'm in Maryland, its a pretty long drive. It probably would't be much more to have it shipped compared to the cost of gas, renting a trailor and a truck, hotels and food, and flying to AZ to pick it up. If I got a Total I'd probably drive since CT is only about 5-7 hours depending on where in CT I have to go and I could use my friends truck for that trip.

Spirit is located in Arkansas...

The company in Arizona is called K&S Customs, they also have really nice quality body's..But I'm not sure if they build complete "kits" or just the glass work.. "BH"
There is another company that may be closer to your location.....

Linblad Chassis
2194 Providence Road
Northbridge, MA . 01534
PH: 508-234-8283

These guys sell parts or complete cars, they have reasonable prices on Coil Overs at $105.00 Ea.

But like the guys say, Spirit will do ya proud and they support what they build.

I have a Spirit kit I am building at the present time. I am very pleased with the kit and the service. :rofl:
MDrex said:
Spirit is in Arizona right? I'm in Maryland, its a pretty long drive. It probably would't be much more to have it shipped compared to the cost of gas, renting a trailor and a truck, hotels and food, and flying to AZ to pick it up. If I got a Total I'd probably drive since CT is only about 5-7 hours depending on where in CT I have to go and I could use my friends truck for that trip.

It's good you're considering shipping cost. I wish I had all the money back that I spent having stuff sent to me from CT. Good stuff, but the cost and 5 days wait for UPS was a killer!

Thing is, if you're getting a kit and decide on Spirit, you'll be getting almost all your heavy stuff in that one shipment. The big shipping cost will only bite ya once.
We have three T's. I have a '27 with a Speedway body, and a '23 with the same brand. My Son has a TP body on his T. We build our own frames because we just build them a little better in our opinion than the off the rack ones, and use heavier tubing.

So, here is my opinion of both companies. TP has built a very successful business with a niche product. They cater to customers who either have the ability to build their own car and only need a few parts , or......they can sell you a car that is just a bolt together if you don't have the means to do welding and fabrication. I am not crazy about their body. I think it is way too thin and wavy. The body shop that painted my Sons had a terrible time getting it straight enough for paint. They told me they were able to paint mine black easier than painting his blue. I also do not like the open flap they leave in the back of the body "to relieve stress." It sort of makes the body like a thin skin on the car in my opinion.

Their upholstery kit is also a nightmare to install. We spent 4 days and had to toss out some of the stuff that came with it to make it work. They have now changed the way they do it, but we bought ours just a year ago and it was terrible. I hope the new one they sell is better. Our vinyl is also starting to pull in some areas and the car only has 4 months and 200 miles tops on it.

Now for Speedway. I have bought from Speedway for over 20 years, and you have to pick and choose what you get from them........some stuff is very good and some is offshore crap. Their chrome is ok, but not nearly the quality you get with SoCal or Pete and Jakes. I have never bought their frames for the reason I mentioned above, but have two of their bodies. Surprisingly, their layup is much heavier and straighter than the TP body we have. Mine only took a very small amount of prep and the body shop sprayed it gloss black. I was really surprised by the fact that it seems thicker and straighter than the TP body. It also has a totally sealed backside, unlike the flap TP uses, and they don't seem to think it will crack. My '27 body is 20 years old and has no stress cracks yet.

I keep hearing good things about Spirit. On most T bucket forums the consensus seems to be that they are very good. I did see one guy who had a problem with the way the steering column mounts to the bottom of the dash, it was breaking away. I don't know if that was an older design that is now changed or not.

But I think with whatever kit you get there is still a good amount of work to make it "right." For the average person maybe the fit and finish is ok out of the box on all of them, but if you are fussy you will want to take steps to make them a little better.

Thanks for all the great info guys, it really helps. it all just keeps pointing me towards Spirit. I don't need a kit that requires no welding, but the less that is needed the better. That way I don't have to get my friend and his welder over here all the time and can do more work on my own.

What companies body requires the least amount of prep work? How much prep work was require on the Spirit body?
i went with hermans biggest deciding factor being hermans is only about an hour from me.i am pleased with the products i got from hermans.and Rick is a great guy to deal with.i have talked with spirit a couple of times and even got a chance to see some of there products one time when they were in bristol.even got to watch the build of the orange t in there video on there web site.i was there when they taped it lol.from the products i saw the only thing i can say is excelent quality.i would have baught from them but it was a few hundred miles farther than hermans.i am going to try to get some photos of my build posted up to date shortly.Dan
I built a Spirit 27 T and they are a great company to deal with. Just remember to have a few friends over when the freight truck shows up to help you unload!

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