Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New Addition


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Had a new addition this weekend. This is my new Grandson Jameson Zane Caldwell, future Hot Rodder!
Congrats Gramps!!!

ain't they wonderful:D

If I'd a knowed how much fun GrandKids are........I'd a had them first:lol:

HEY! Congrats! There's always room for more gearheads in the world!:lol:
What can I say that hasn't been already said. How about ....Priceless!

Thanks Guys! I am looking forward to spoiling him and handing him back to his Dad and Mom:twisted:. I always told my some....some day I'll get you for this!

Seriously....just happy he's healthy!
Congrats Yogi, My third ones due in Aug. Grandkids are the greatest. :lol:
Congratulations Yogi!

My first grandchild is due in late May and I'm as excited as I was when my son was born.

But don't get the idea that her grandpa will ever think to spoil her rotten. That just isn't going to happen. :shifty:
Beautiful Grandson you have there, congratulations. Bet you can't wait till he's riding around with Grandpa. :lol:

I have to teach him earlier to appreciate the loud pipes on a Hot Rod. He has a 2 y/o sister that is afraid of the loudness of the Bucket. I wonder if his car seat will fit in the bucket?????

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