Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New Guy from WAAAAAY West Texas


:rock: Hi to all, I'm in the process of building a T-bucket, was going to use an old pushbutton 727 TF but that didn't work out so am now working on puttin a T5 behind my SBMopar. Am a member of NTBA, and Soutwest Mopars here in El Paso and southern New Mexico. Friend Mike told me about this forum so here I am, looks like I have a lot of good reading to do!!!
My car is a want-to-be-Mopar [mopar type valve covers]! Makes people scratch their head at first look.:eek:

:rock: WELCOME TO THE SITE :cry:
Welcome from up Amarillo way. :rock:

Welcome......... :rock:
Welcome to the site! Let us know if there's anyway we can help. Ya got pics?

Biggest thing right now is where to buy bell housing. Place in Indiana has steel one with slave cyclinder on side of housing uses standard throw out bearing or a place in TN that uses a alunimum bell with a hydralic bearing, about the same price. I'm thinking to save a little weigh to go with the one in TN.:confused: Thanks for the welcome
Welcome to the board. There was a kid with a Mopar in his T bucket here a few years ago. It had a 727 TF. The tail shaft housing was so long the drive shaft was only about 6 or so inches long. It was a good running car. He's wanting to build another just like it.
Hey Richaard
I tol u this was a good board
Mike in ep:D
Welcome to the board from up in Dumas,,,,

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