Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New here from Australia


New Member
Hi there foks my name is Keith Turney I live in a place called Narrogin in western Australia about 2 hours from Perth.
I am building a track T which is lined with aloy has bomber seats aircraft gauges and brookland screens it has a 350/350 combo in it.
It is going to be like a sprint car but on the road.
I am looking foward to chating with you all.
All the best Keith ( signbender ):):):):)
:) Sounds like you'r well on the way to haveing a ride,lots of good info here, so if you have questions just ask. Post some pics if you got them. Francis
:) Welcome from our little part of the world.
Welcome to the site Kieth.Apleasure to have you here.Your project sounds very interesting. Post some pics so we can see what you have

Hi there folks thank you very much for the great welcome I can not post pictures but I can get a freind to email me some which I can then foward to some one so they could post them for me if this is O.K. with one of you.
I have just had a old L.P.G. stainles steel tank converted to a petrol tank and have started polising it and it looks good on the rear of the car the main thing it was cheep.
When I finish this `T` which I hope to be in our spring I am planing to build another car along the lines of the uncertain `T` I loved this car in the 60s and built it as a model many times now to have a real one but mine will have Jag. suspention and 350/350 combo and be regoed for the road in Oz.
If you can post the photos for me please email me on Many thankls for your help and look foward to chating and seeing what you think of the `Ts` that are built down under all the best Keith:):D:):)
Welcome from up over :D
Hi there folks thanks to Bruce you will be able to see my toy in a couple of days he is going to post some photos for me and I will be interested to here what you think of my little rod from the land down under. cheers Keith:) :lol: :) :)

Here you go Keith :D
Nice looking T Keith. :thumbsup:
Thank you very much for that Bruce you work very quick. I have just booked in to get the wheels and tyers I will send a photo when they arive if that is O.K. cheers again Keith:) :rofl: :rofl: :) :)

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