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New Member
I just want to say Hi to everyone. I'm from southeast Nebraska. where there are some days we actually have good cruisin weather.
Welcome to the forum Ikgto.
I hear you there, good weather for driving a T Bucket, is different for each person, depending of course on your love for T Buckets, if it was not raining I was always driving my T Bucket to anywhere, and everywhere, Day and Night... Welcome to the best T Bucket site, great folks here... :)
Welcome from the land of not many cruising days but still have one and enjoy it.
Welcome :hi:
Nebraska huh? OK, we'll go real slow......... Just kidding!

Welcome and greetings from the sunny hills of Colorado.

You'll find a fine group of people here who are informative and helpful.
Welcome great site and great guys with a ton of experience

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