Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New paint allmost done


He told me ghostflames next week and 8 clearcoats then is back home. I am ordering the interior next week to . Is that light at the end of the tunnel.
The pics dont do it justice it has loads of flake .
Wow very nice. Can't wait to see the finished product. :cool:
Aw man you shoulda painted it BLACK !:eek:
Really it is looking great and the ghost flame will be awesome ! :thumbsup:
Notice the reflection of the 70 challenger in the paint and the 08 just over Franks shoulder. Both r gona be at the starbird show this month. The orange one has a 70 model painted the exact same color they look very cool side by side. The lime green one belongs to the same customer. Must be nice.
Yes it is long smooth with a door. I will post the final pics next week when the flames r on it.
Looks like they are doing a great job. Be sure to post up more pictures when it's done. :) Pretty exciting when they get to this point, huh?

Thanks Don i have to be honest before i knew about this site your car was my desktop and inspritation for my build thanks.
rooster57 said:
Notice the reflection of the 70 challenger in the paint and the 08 just over Franks shoulder. Both r gona be at the starbird show this month. The orange one has a 70 model painted the exact same color they look very cool side by side. The lime green one belongs to the same customer. Must be nice.

It would have to be nice right? I love the old challenger TA and think the new one is kick, still I'm thinking it would be very nice... :lol:

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