Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New T-Bucket fan from Utah


Hi everyone, my name is Blake and am new to this forum and am from Utah. In the last couple of years I've become interested in building a T-bucket roadster. I'm a musclecar guy by nature (60's Pontiac muscle) but have been bitten by the T-bucket bug as of late.
What got me thinking about building a bucket is I'm pulling a 326 Pontiac motor out of a 66 Lemans and putting in a stroked 400 in it's place. What do I do with the really strong running 326? Why not build a T-bucket and put it in there. And that brings me to where I am today...introducing myself to the "bucket community."
I met a frequenter of this forum and he is enthusiastic in helping me get started. You all know him as Ma_N_Pa T. He just live a small town away from me and is a great guy representing T-bucketeers with honor.:)
I have really been enjoying reading all the discussions in this forum and have already learned a lot. I appreciate it if you let me join in from time to time. You all have a great day and all stay safe. Sincerely Blake
Pontiacs rule:D
Welcome to the club, I have a .040 over 389 tri power in mine. LOVE IT. Good luck w your build, just be patient cause the parts can be hard to come by. You will learn what fabrication really means. If you need info & I can direct you I'll be glad to help. Skipperb:D;)
Welcome to the group Blake66, back in "65" I had a tempest wagon with 326 it was a hell of a good engine.
Welcome when they said part are hard to come by he only meant for the motor as in headers.
Welcome to the forum. You are going to enjoy this site, there isn't anything that someone here hasn't already run into and are willing to share their stories. Good luck and keep us updated.
Thank you all for the kind words and welcomes. I believe going on this T-Bucket journey will be really satisfying and rewarding. Not withstanding some frustrations from time to time. This is probably where you all will become involved in mapping me back in the right direction. ;)

Good you have meet Jerry and Shannon (Ma&Pa-t), Jerry can really give good advice on building a bucket and save you time, money and headaches.
Now, get busy, you are burning daylight - the Nationals are coming !!!!!

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