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hello all!!!

just wanted to stop by and say hello. alittle about myself is that i must confess, i do not have or ever owned a T-bucket. i am sorry but i am trying lol. when i was little i would go to car shows with my dad and always had an eye out for three styles of cars. T-Buckets, VW's, and a Nash Metropolitan. well good luck finding the parts and a willing seller for the nash's lol. so i tried to land my self a used and much need help t-bucket but my family did not support me on it. needless to say i went the VW route. now in my 30's, i have owned a 65 bug, 71 vw camper westi, 80 vanagon, and now a 66 restored bug. i have nearly restored all of the rest and sold them. now coming back from my third deployment i want to tackle a T-Bucket. what i want to know is should i go the route of getting one that has already been built and ready to go, or build one my self? i have been both routes before with my VW's. i am very open to all sugestions. thanks

Welcome to the forum BlueBoppy, it's very hard to answer your question. Building one takes a lot of time and a lot of skill. Assembling one will take less time, less skill but more money. Buying one will give you something you can enjoy immediately and fit within the budget you set.
Ditto on what Teman2 said. I've been working on my T-Bucket for 4 years now. That is a lot of evenings after work and weekends. If you don't have your wifes support on this, better buy one already built. You can always change it around to the way you like it, and more important keep your wife happy!
ya i think i will have to go that route also, with just getting one already built. that way my wife can see and feel one first hand. she already told me that i would have to sell my 66 bug first before i even think about another build lol...but i have some time before i get back from Afghanistan. i will be on here from time to time just to say hey and see if anything is new. thanks again
Word of warning from my past experience. If the wife is unhappy for very long you can end up unhappy with half of your stuff. Don't spring it on her all at once. Plant the seed in conversations and try to make it her idea. :D With the economy the way it is I would bet you could find some good deals out there that need some loving care and fix it up.
I have a question for you. I know when I was in Nam communication home was the month late letters from home and if lucky maybe a months pay phone call home on R&R. In Afghanistan and other deployments does the Military try to get internet access for use. Video communications with home would really be great. I would of ate Corned beef and powered milk for a month for that.

Thanks for doing the deployments, I know they are not fun and a simple Thank you isn't much in return - many of use know and understand and remember. Thank you
Welcome to the site. I'm rather new myself & don't check in a lot, but when I do it is always fun and informative. As to your question: If you have skills enough to restore autos you should be able to assemble a T Bucket. There is a lot of info on this site.As for engines, trannys, rearends, etc. it is a personal choice thing. As for how involved you want to get depend on your budget. There are good products available from members on this site. Anything from an old school rod to a fully chromed show stopper. What ever you decide, the fun is in building & driving them. Drive them all you can and you will soon understand why dogs love to hang out of windows!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D
Welcome aboard Blue and as stated by others Thank You for your service in protecting our freedoms and freedoms of others.:clap::clap:

This site has ALOT of good information along with people. One of the best....correction THE BEST site to chat and hang out.
The first thing I would do is .When you return from Serving the greatest country USA.See if somebody on this site has a bucket go to his/her house and get input and take a ride .To see what you need for legroom especially if you are building one.Some bucket bodies come wider and longer than standard.
Welcome :cry: Thanks for your service. :D If ya get up near Vegas when you get home I'll take ya out for a ride. :D
Thanks for serving. That is a BIG sacrifice!
You may not hear it enough, but Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Welcome to the sight blueboppy.
Have you ever seen the vw t-buckets that they used to build in the 70's?
I think it was roy brizyo if memory serves me correctly?
If your a bug nut mabie that could be your way to go ?the pics i have seen was kinda cool ! But i cant find them,but i'm sure that some one on here can come up with some?
I too was in the military[navy],i definitly do appreciate what you service men and wemon are doing for us!!! ''Thanks for preserving our way of life''!

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