Hi there. My name is John Reid and I just found this site thru the HAMB. I currently own a '23 T Bucket with a turtle deck running a stock 302 Cleveland with a C4. Built it over 5 years ago and have just been havin fun since. Car is glass but thats OK with me. Also have a Model A Roadster project on the go but thats on the back burner for now. As my nom-de-plume suggests, I'm a bit of a Mopar man having had a few Valiants (of the Aussie sort) a 34 Dodge & 35 Dodge sedan and a 52 Desoto. Look forward to talking with you folks and will post some pics once I figure it all out. I'm in Hastings, New Zealand, about halfway between Auckland & Wellington but out on the East Coast where the weather is better (at least during the summer anyway!)