Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



New Member
Hello, I just registered because I love model t's. I would like to learn more about them so I can build one myself.
you've made the right first step to your build by coming here. just let us know how we can help.


that was a welcome to the site
Welcome to T land, there are cars of every description here on this forum.. If you can't find something you like here, you will be very hard to please, so check out all the rides and make a plan. Speaking of which, there are many of those here also... Good luck with building the Wildest Ride one can drive.. Ted
:biggrin: You have come to the right spot! If you see something you are curious about just ask away, we are all here to help the best way we can.
Welcome, as all the others have already said this is the best for information on the T buckets. Again Welcome.:welcome::D:D:D:D

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