Yea, BB, its not like the old days....They see ya with a fifth....afraid they'd haul ya in. But yea, stick the foldable chair on the side, make a drink and listen to some Jimmy Buffet waiting on the truck....
Yep, That Bama Shine got me back in the 90's at the coach, one of the boys stopped by, dropped off a mason jar, and said here ya go, just don't drink it on a empty stomach, and sip it, don't drink it. That was saturday night.
Like a fool I drank it, and woke up monday at noon going down the interstate(no, I wasn't driving).....That Tennessee stuff will hurt ya, thank God I didn't drink that stuff....
HeyGuys, just in case, they've got a rollup tool pouch in the Summit Tools catalog....PitPosse offroad kit, you can add and subtract the tools there....good prices, page 145 toward the right side, toward the bottom.
Looks like they got a littlebit of everything in there....
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