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Not a good day for the wife


Active Member
I am out of town so the wife took "her" bucket on a cruise to a car show.Just as she was rolling in the plug/cap they have on the water pump heater hose outlet split and spewed anti freeze everywhere. So she had a friend swing by the parts store, grab some parts and anti freeze and head out to help her. After getting that fixed she was driving home and she said the oil pressure dropped out to 10 psi on the highway. She pulled over and loaded it on the trailer (my original helper friend brought a trailer just in case). I am at work in Ohio for the next few weeks so she is bummed out because there is another show she wants to go to this weekend. The worse part is there is no one around Lafayette that she can take it to that I trust. I hope just a rocker backed off and lost a push rod or something.
Some days life just sucks. Sounds like she should have just stayed in bed! I guess you'd better get her a tool kit.. At least she is interested enough to take it out, I can't get my wife to show any interest in the cars at all, so count your blessings...

Good luck on a speedy fix,

I know a lot of guys that are not as switched on as you wife. Bad news on the T but good news on a partner that knows her stuff.
Some good points at least she had enough sense to shut it down. Now she will have to take yours.
Nolimits, the guy scratch-building the C-cab, lives in Lafayette, and so does Humidi-T, whose name is Sostan Babineau. Maybe one of them can help her out, or at least point her to a dependable mechanic.
Nolimits, the guy scratch-building the C-cab, lives in Lafayette, and so does Humidi-T, whose name is Sostan Babineau. Maybe one of them can help her out, or at least point her to a dependable mechanic.

No limits lives a couple hours from here. I haven't seen much of Sostan since he sold his bucket. I have a friend that races some sbf's so I am going to see if he can pop by.

As far as the wife, she is great but it took many years of work to get her this way. :dhb: We have been together for ever and she will say the same thing about me. :rofl: I can tell you that she hated cars when we first met but she came around. Once she drove the bucket it became "hers" right a way. This was the first time the bucket has let us down so she was just bummed about that butw we will get it fixed up and she will be cruising again. It just might take a bit of time.

No limits lives a couple hours from here. I haven't seen much of Sostan since he sold his bucket. I have a friend that races some sbf's so I am going to see if he can pop by.

As far as the wife, she is great but it took many years of work to get her this way. :dhb: We have been together for ever and she will say the same thing about me. :rofl: I can tell you that she hated cars when we first met but she came around. Once she drove the bucket it became "hers" right a way. This was the first time the bucket has let us down so she was just bummed about that butw we will get it fixed up and she will be cruising again. It just might take a bit of time.

I had the wife drive mine once in a parking lot and she didn't like it cause the brakes are to stiff for her and the steering is to hard.Good thing i guess.She's a nut about getting it out so we can go cruising though.
Well, I just found out the friend I was going to call was in Ark last week during those floods. He is a Boy Scout leader and him and 6 others have been missing since Thursday. And we all think our problems are bad. :cry:

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