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NTBA President Bill Darr "weelstang"


New Member
Hello to the future and present T Bucket drivers, owners, and builders. I'm the new president of the NTBA 1/1/07. All the new officers have made many, many changes to our family club. The NTBA will support any T Bucket event anywhere. Just send me a e/m with the info and we'll put it on our site. Since the NEW changes we have grown by over 100 new members and 4 new chapters in just 6 months with more coming on line. I'm encouraging each chapter to have a NTBA Regional Mini nats in there area. The NTBA will help with info on how to have a event and insurance for the event. This will get other T's involved, member or not. We encourge all hotrodders to look at our site and post there, even if you don't own a bucket. We allow all T's in the NTBA and have several different types as members cars. Please look at Happy rodding and be safe. weelstang
Hey, Weelstang! Thanks for dropping by! I'm a member on your site as well as this one. I going to be getting a full PAID membership to the alliance when my T is done. I know I don't have to wait, it's just part of a routine I have set up for my completion day.:lol:

Once again, thanks for dropping by and I dig your site and have gotten GREAT advice there. I hope to meet you at a function one day.
Thanks tfeverfred; You might want to come to the BBQ in Oct in Fort Worth. Look on the events or NTTB pages on NTBA site and see what is happing there. Its FREE to anyone who is interested T's. If your there look me up, I'm not to hard to pick out. My wife and I will have our chopped 26 T coupe white with flames there. weelstang
I feel really funny welcoming you here, kindof like it should be the other way around, but oh well...

Welcome to our little forum.
Thank you and it is a great pleasure for me to post on any site where T's are happening. For anyone who might have any misunderstanding I'm just like all of ya'll, except I might be a little older than some. I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you. My interests are basicly based around T Buckets, but I also have other types of cars I'm working on. Some day I hope to finish a 1931 Pierce Arrow Model 42, well some day. I have a 1923 stretched (Alum-A-T) T Bucket under construction and will finish it toward end of this year. May not be painted or fancy seats, but it will drive and have fun. Thanks to all for letting me join this site. Please let me know if I'm out of bounds. weelstang
You've got me interested, could you tell me more about the streched T? Why refer to it as a ALUM-A-T?

As far as out of bounds, i don't exacly understand where your coming from on that... If i do understand what you mean by that, then no, in fact i'm looking foward to hearing your opinions, and what you can offer the forum as far as knowledge. Feel free to go through old posts and chime in on something you might have missed, maybe it'll ressurect a old topic and get it going again.
Alum-A-T is a all aluminum T Bucket I'm building. The only parts that arn't alum are the glass body and tires, etc. As soon as I get the hang of posting a picture you will get photos. Sence about 1969 I've wanted a car with a alum chassis. In the late 60's I ran a Wheelstander Ford Econline and also had a 92" wheel base T Fuel Altered, went everywhere but streight. Injected chevy small block on nitro with direct drive and 10" wide tires. There was this Ford Bronco funny car match racer that had a fuelie 289 Winsor that had a aluminum chassis. This is the only way he could stay with the big engines. The chassis was very cool, and I was hooked. It has taken me this long to gather enough experence and knowledge to build this car. I have been looking and reading this site for quite a while. I got a e/m from the webmaster asking how to start a NTBA Chapter, so I thought now would be a good time for me to get to know ya'll. The NTBA in the past had many problems and we have been VERY attentive to change our site to get back to a family values and a family club site for everyone. Like all sites we have our kickers and shakers, and some of us old timers-old friends polk fun at each other, but just in brotherly love type of fun. There is lots on knowlage in the NTBA and we like to share it with others. As you can tell I talk a lot. Back to my bucket. Front axle is alum super bell (I couldn't build this) with alum hair pins, steering, and shocks. Alum frame, cross members, Champ QC IRS with self built trailing arms and self built out boards. I'm using XJ40 Jaguar axles, Ebay for 47.00 a pair. Working on the steering box and arms, some more alum stuff I building. Alum fuel tank 18 gallons. Alum Ford DOHC V8 4.6 6-71 blower alum intake self built. Just like the cars ya'll build, except I'm using aluminum. I sold my old bucket to rodder down under, it has a BBC and was way to fast. Just like a fuel altered. Had it about 12 years and many many many changes. It's bed time, see ya'll soon. weelstang
weelstang said:
There was this Ford Bronco funny car match racer that had a fuelie 289 Winsor that had a aluminum chassis.
Oh dear, are we showing our age when we remember Doug Nash's Bronco Buster? ;)

<sigh> We certainly have seen incredible improvements in the last for<AHEM> years, but I still miss those "good ol' days".

Bill, there is a tutorial on the the picture gallery in this post. Holler if you need help with anything, but it is really pretty simple.
weelstang said:
Alum-A-T is a all aluminum T Bucket I'm building. The only parts that arn't alum are the glass body and tires, etc. As soon as I get the hang of posting a picture you will get photos. Sence about 1969 I've wanted a car with a alum chassis. In the late 60's I ran a Wheelstander Ford Econline and also had a 92" wheel base T Fuel Altered, went everywhere but streight. Injected chevy small block on nitro with direct drive and 10" wide tires. There was this Ford Bronco funny car match racer that had a fuelie 289 Winsor that had a aluminum chassis. This is the only way he could stay with the big engines. The chassis was very cool, and I was hooked. It has taken me this long to gather enough experence and knowledge to build this car. I have been looking and reading this site for quite a while. I got a e/m from the webmaster asking how to start a NTBA Chapter, so I thought now would be a good time for me to get to know ya'll. The NTBA in the past had many problems and we have been VERY attentive to change our site to get back to a family values and a family club site for everyone. Like all sites we have our kickers and shakers, and some of us old timers-old friends polk fun at each other, but just in brotherly love type of fun. There is lots on knowlage in the NTBA and we like to share it with others. As you can tell I talk a lot. Back to my bucket. Front axle is alum super bell (I couldn't build this) with alum hair pins, steering, and shocks. Alum frame, cross members, Champ QC IRS with self built trailing arms and self built out boards. I'm using XJ40 Jaguar axles, Ebay for 47.00 a pair. Working on the steering box and arms, some more alum stuff I building. Alum fuel tank 18 gallons. Alum Ford DOHC V8 4.6 6-71 blower alum intake self built. Just like the cars ya'll build, except I'm using aluminum. I sold my old bucket to rodder down under, it has a BBC and was way to fast. Just like a fuel altered. Had it about 12 years and many many many changes. It's bed time, see ya'll soon. weelstang
Hey Bill, I don't know if I ever told ya over on the other board but I had an A/A back in the day. It was a 23 T with a fuel injected 427 Chev in it. It was called the "Diamond T" and had aZ 4 page spred in Hot Rod mag. In 71, we pulled the BBC(too many popped head studs) and replaced it with a 351C Tunnel Ram Pro Stock motor. Ran faster with the small(medium) block.:lol:
weelstang said:
For anyone who might have any misunderstanding I'm just like all of ya'll, except I might be a little older than some. I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you. weelstang

A little older? Bill, you are Waaaaay older. But my wife likes you, so you must be alright. Everytime I've seen you, you had shorts on, I didn't think you owned pants.
Welcome to the site Bill. Glad you could stop by.


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