Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Open Under New Management...maybe, sort of.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Fellow bucketheads, I cannot stand by and see our site go under. I have been talking with Ron Pope and he has kindly paid to reactivate the site for a month, and start the process to turn the site over to me. I am going to try to keep the site going. The problem is MONEY. It takes $150-$200/month from member donations to pay all the bills. And we haven't been making it. Ron has been keeping us afloat from his own pocket. And he has a business of his own to run.
We need all members to chip in every month. $5, $10, whatever the site is worth to you. I will do the grunt work, swell fellow I am.

PS: I know zip about running a website, so join me on this adventure!
If you'd like to contact me directly:
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Ron Pope wants $2000 to sell the site to me. I'm reluctant to front the money myself, not knowing if we will be in the black month-to-month. If 20 members give $100 each I can buy the site and keep it running. Please email me directly if you want to participate. I told Ron I would have an answer for him this week. I've asked Kristy, Ron's daughter, how much we have now. She handles the money. I will keep you all updated.

NTBA charges $30/yr membership. Nonmembers can't view or post. What do you think of that? I notice many "guests" visit our site and don't contribute.
Hi Everyone,
Some of you already know me from the NTBA, some I may have even met before at a convention. For those who don't know me I am Janet and have been the Webmistress here helping out Ron since he took over the TBucketeer site.

We have had the bucket since 2008, and still love it like the day we got her running.

When we saw that there was a possibility of this great community being lost, we started the process and put things together to keep this wonderful community alive. We were happy to see many of you in the forum felt the same way.

It is our desire to keep things active and implement new ideas from members such as yourself, all while growing our tbucket family online.

Bucketheads Unite!

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