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Paint Booth Questions

Hey Guys,

Has you know I built a homemade paint booth last year. Well, I redid it, making it a little smaller tall wise and a little shorter length wise. I was able to find a double squirrel cage blower at a garage sale $10.00 :) I was gonna use that for the intake side of the booth. Would it be possible to run another one for the outtake side, it being a single cage or is there another option for the outtake side?

Thanks, T-Bucket Bob
Just my opinion but i wouldnt pump any air in i would pump air out not in.
Sure duct the fan opening as the intake pos air psi ,then make a ductboard from the center of the other end for the exhaust side . On the input side slide a piece of cardboard over about 25% of the output area or untill you see the plastic in the booth start to swell up then back the cardboard back up and then tape it on.
Why would you want to blow air and dust from the outside to get in your paint?I dont get it.:)
wouldnt you asume he would use intake and exhaust filters
Since he is in a conventional garage i would think supply air would be very important because the exhaust can only exhaust what it can intake. Hence the cardboard over the intake to make sure the exhaust is a bit higher than the intake. Weather you suck in 200cfm or blow it in the dust is a seperate issue
Bob,the plans that you were given and the pictures showed filters on BOTH the intake AND exhaust along with the intake mounted high and a fan SUCKING air OUT on the lower exhaust side. That way you get a good cross ventilation in the booth and keep foreign particles out of the booth.

T-Bucket Bob said:
Is a double squirrel cage strong enough to pull the air out?


Depends on how big the squirrel cage is and how many square feet the booth is... with the cages turned on, you should feel air sucking from cracks/doors standing on the inside.
You don't want any cracks and doors letting dust IN, and not a LOT of draft, just enough to be able to see what you are doing, you also need lights at both ends so you can see the reflection in the new paint, this way you will know just how much paint you are putting on, and not too much to get runs, or too little to have dry spots.. a lot of times we just wet everything down, when there was no wind, shot the car that way, no dust to speak of, we usually got more dust in the paint, in a booth, too much wind in a lot of booths... not good, So, test the draw with insence, just watch the smoke... :)
My Uncles booth at the Body Shop has two onenings one at either end one has a large exhaust fan with a filter out side to catch overspray and not spew it all over the neiborhood and an intake opening with a very large filter to stop the dust.This alows it to replenish the air vacated with the exhaust fan.It draws its own air in through the intake opening no wind tunnel but you can do what ya want.
Yep them be the newfandangle ones but they don't blow air in they suck it out and have an intake with a filter to catch any dust comeing in.
Being involved in eco-friendly environmental construction, a simple clothes dryer can empty a 2000 sq. ft. home in an hour. Keep in mind that air assimilates water flow, when air moves out of a structure, air comes in a structure. The volume of intake versus exhaust should be less for a paint boot I would imagine For personal use the fumes shouldn't be an issue, unless you live in a zero lot line subdivision. Just don't get the neighbors to hgh on the fumes and you should be okay.
Another consideration is that the fan you use just may trigger an explosion. Paint fumes are flammable, and when you run them through an electric motor that is sparking internally it could combust. Have we all done this, sure, but just mentioning the possibility of a problem.

And I agree the fan should suck air out of the booth,not in.

donsrods said:
Another consideration is that the fan you use just may trigger an explosion. Paint fumes are flammable, and when you run them through an electric motor that is sparking internally it could combust. Have we all done this, sure, but just mentioning the possibility of a problem.

And I agree the fan should suck air out of the booth,not in.

Thank You Don.YOU NEVER BLOW AIR INTO A SPRAY BOOTH.It took a month but...
Rick nice to see you are still around. People like you are the founding group that started this great sight.
Funny story to go with this. Years ago I was painting the frame on my 27 Fleet Purple in our house garage and my Wife was doing laundry at the same time. She is an RN and had white Nurses uniforms drying, and I forgot that dryers suck up surrounding air. She came out to get her uniforms and all of them were this fantastic shade of light purple. :eek::eek::eek:

I have no idea why that woman left me! ;):lol::lol:

donsrods said:
Funny story to go with this. Years ago I was painting the frame on my 27 Fleet Purple in our house garage and my Wife was doing laundry at the same time. She is an RN and had white Nurses uniforms drying, and I forgot that dryers suck up surrounding air. She came out to get her uniforms and all of them were this fantastic shade of light purple. :eek::eek::eek:

I have no idea why that woman left me! ;):lol::lol:

Bet she was the best dressed nurse that night.
putz said:
Rick nice to see you are still around. People like you are the founding group that started this great sight.
Thanks Putz i had to ummmm take a break.

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