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Panhard bar on buggy spring rear suspension

rusty buckets

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Hello everyone, its only been 2 years since the last time i asked any questions, my project was put on hold for a bunch of differant reasons , but im back to it again, i was wondering if the use of a panhard bar on rear or front suspension is nesessary when using buggy spring type setup with hairpins or ladder bars, first build so lots of questions, thanks for any and all help in advance, Tom
I have buggy springs on both ends and do not have panhards on either end, but I do have push and pull steering, not cross steering.
I think cross steering is more apt to try and push the suspension away from the frame.
Tom, If your shackles hang no lower/more than a 45 degree angle, loaded with driver and passenger, ready to drive... you should be fine on either end without a Panhard bar, but! if you do ever use one, make it as 'long as possible' and as level as you can get it also...
Thanks, Railroad and Ted i was thinking that i didnt need them cause the spring should be doing the work of centering the front or rearend, i am using push pull type steering either cowl or just in front of fire wall but havnt decided what box to use yet,i do know that my steering will be very parrellel to stay away from bump steer, i have alot of old manual steering boxes out in the junk yard i will be out scrounging around after the rain lets up, Also was wondering if there were any pictures on setting up high arch or medium arch springs on here? i have looked at a bunch of different post and things but most i find are for coilovers, thanks again ,Tom

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