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parts failure does occur

Wow. using DOM on hairpins is top notch. too rich for my blood however. us poow folk have to use 3/4 schedule 80 steel and do a lot more finish work.
I sure agree about building ones own parts however. I also build everything myself. at least I know what I have that way.


In reality, this is a super budget build...but there is a limit to what we'll sacrifice for the sake of budget. In reality it was only a couple hundred dollars. In comparison, it would cost over that for 2 pairs of Speedways hairpins, and after a few of these failure threads, that's not going to be an option. I'm a proponent of putting your money where it needs to be--and in a bucket, that's the frame and chassis. We're cheaping out on the accessories, using almost no chrome (we do have a powdercoating shop, soooo...) and much of the parts are leftovers and good used cleaned up stuff. At least when we're (you and I) rolling down the road, we can feel can feel good about what we've built ourselves---and we don't have to worry about a part failure caused by a poor weld made by an untrained, underpaid "welder" in China.

As Uncle Ted always says, "Ride Safe!"

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