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Posting Pictures

Old Rotor Flap

Supporting Member
Supporting Member
I've noticed recent pictures featured in what I refer to as, the opening to the forums, have copyrights by T bucket forums. This appears to be a copyright claim added after the fact.

If I am corrct and I may not be, am I to assume my pictures posted to this forum will be over printed with a copy right claim by someone else?
From the Forum Rules page -

Copyright © 2006-2010 AZTech Consulting LLC. Posts are copyright their authors. All rights reserved.

Do not reproduce anything published on the T-Bucket Forums without express written permission from the author and AZTech Consulting.

By posting or submitting material, uploading files, inputting data, or engaging in any other form of communication through AZTech Consulting or the T-Bucket Forums, you are granting AZTech Consulting, the T-Bucket Forums and all associated entities a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to use, reproduce, edit, modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, communicate to the public and publicly display the submitted content (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it other works in any form, media or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in the content.

And from our Terms of Service page -

Copyright Notice:

All rights of this Web site are reserved. This includes the rights to its name, domain name, trademark, concept, format, content, style, code, database and every other element in this Web site. No part of this Web site, its content, name, applications, documents, programs, texts, design elements, images, posts, look, feel, atmosphere or format can be copied, shared, moved, published or used without prior and explicit consent of its author.

Except where diligently implied, absolutely NO part of the T-Bucket Forums may be reproduced or recreated without explicit written permission by Aztech Consulting LLC, owner of the T-Bucket Forums , and certified with written verification.

By submitting material to this site, you are not giving up your intellectual copyright. You are, however, granting Aztech Consulting, the T-Bucket Forums and other associated entities license to use the material. Once the material is submitted to our privately-owned database, we hold copyright on that submission. This copyright and the watermark displayed on the images is to prevent material submitted to this site from being used, reproduced, distributed or displayed on other sites and to identify it as such.

If you grant permission to someone to use material you have submitted to our database, that is all well and good. On the occasions we find material from this site being displayed on other sites, it is our policy to check with the author to see if permission has been granted. If not, we begin the process of issuing take down requests.

What this all renders down to is the intellectual content of anything you submit to the site is your own. And you hold copyright to that content for your entire life, plus seventy years. Those submissions then become property of this site and we hold the copyright on the actual submissions. We do not hold copyright on the intellectual content, we merely hold copyright to the submission. If you take a photo with your camera, the photo belongs to you. If you submit the photo file to our database, then you grant us license to use that file (and that file alone). If a third party comes along and wants to use an element from this site, they must first seek permission from Aztech Consulting. If that element is something you have submitted, then the third party must also seek your permission.

Between you, me and the deep-blue sea, I hate legal mumbo-jumbo. But it's a necessary part of doing business today.

(As a quick aside, the watermark is not being displayed properly on some of the images in Gerry's Approaching Suicide album. We are aware of the problem and are working on a solution.)
Thanks Mike.

Had I dug a bit deeper I might have saved you the effort of posting by reading the terms and conditions myself.

On the other hand, she had warts......Ooops, I mean, on the other hand, I notice there's some sort of FBI warning on movies I get from NetFlix and I've never read that.
Ebay does the same thing. They put a logo down in the LH corner. Several of the pictures that I have saved on my computer have that logo.

Like this one:

Is that your engine?
Mike, yes, ahem, LOL.

Milt, no.


Took this picture last May. Guess I need to get an updated pic of it.
Just went down to the garage and snapped an updated pic. Got some cheap chrome alternator brackets off ebay the other day. Otherwise, not much new in that corner, LOL.

I'll bet that oil filter won't clear the frame ... ask me how I know. I went with a Mobil 1 filter ... M1-204 ... it is a stubby version. You can get the equivalent in a MotorCraft or Fram or WIX.
It'll clear, but it's really close getting it on and off. I can go with an FL300 which is shorter, or, I'd rather put a 90 degree adapter so the filter points forward like a big block Dodge. I've even browsed the remote oil filter sections of several performance parts houses so that I keep any oil off the pan during changes, but at this point, got other things more pressing. It's been in the back of my mind though.


You know, it's kind a funny. The guy I got the frame from, had come over a couple years ago to check out the progress, and I had told him about jumping ahead and buying the back tires and some wheels so I could see if the rear axle would roll through the garage door without getting stuck in the jambs. Told him I'd have to go a completely different route (like a 50's style T instead of 70's style) if it wouldn't fit. He told me that's something he'd have never thought of. He'd have got the whole thing built and then wouldn't be able to get it out of the house, LOL.

That's what's cool about building your own car. You get to build it the way you want (until you find out it won't work) heh heh.
Don't worry. I just now figured out what you were winky winking at me for, LOL, so you're not as bad as me yet. Yes, the 'other' left, otherwise known as, the lower right corner.
They have a kit that changes the location of the oil filter to the left rear of the engine. It is usually listed under SBC on the net no clearance issues then.LOL
That camera icon we see on eBay pictures is not a copyright symbol or copyright statement and grants no rights to eBay..... although I'm sure no more than a bystander on copyright law. I guess it could be an indication that by posting the picture on eBay, you've agreed to their terms and conditions. Who reads that stuff anyway?
That image is merely a watermark. It merely identifies an image that has been lifted from the eBay site.

What a lot of people fail to understand is that everything to do with a Web site costs money.

I pay for the amount of storage I have available. Everything that gets uploaded to the site takes up more hard drive space.

I pay for the amount of transfer or bandwidth I have available. When someone uploads a new post or a new image to the site, it uses up transfer. If I have a 100 kilobyte image I upload to the gallery, that uses up 100 KB of my transfer. If 1 person views that image, there goes another 100 KB. If 65 people view it, that is 6500 KB or a tick over 6 megabytes of transfer. Every time a file moves between your computer and the server the site is stored on, or from the server to your computer, that transfer number gets a bit larger.

A couple years back, I was looking over my server logs and saw something strange. A site based in Scotland was repeatedly downloading smilies from one of the forums on our network. Smilies are small files (usually around 6-7 KB) but this site was hammering me with downloads. I visited the site and the arrogant so-and-so running the site was downloading all of his smilies from my site!! When someone was typing a post and had a bank of smilies to choose from, those were not transferring from his server, they were being transferred from my own! Every time someone would view a post on his site that contained smilies, they were transferred from my site.

I sent an e-mail to the owner of the site, with a request to stop hot-linking images on my site. I explained they were all free images and he was welcome to grab them and store them on his own site, instead. And it went ignored. I tried a second e-mail and it was ignored, as well. :hooray: So much for being a nice guy.

I immediately made up a rather nasty image that said, 'The owner of this site is a bandwidth thief.' I stored the image on Photobucket and with a little .htaccess magic, I redirected all image requests from his site to the other image. So everywhere a smilie was meant to appear had this rather obnoxious image displayed. And since the image was rather large, it was tearing up the style on his site. Can you imagine the hot-linking came to an abrupt, screeching halt within an hour?

I now have .htaccess rules set up on all of our sites that prevent people from hot-linking images to sites that I have not approved. I have made sure we always will have plenty of bandwidth available, but if we exceed the hard limit at all, my hosting company is quite happy to sell me an additional 100 gigabytes of transfer for that month. At the rate of $40 per 100 gig, with a 100 gig minimum! :winkn:

Which is why we clearly state in our rules that we do not permit hot-linking from external sites other than sites owned by our members or the photo album sites. The meter is always ticking.
Do double posts use up bandwidth.LOL above

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