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Private Message Spam


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It appears we had a sub-human life form register on the forum, who then started sending spam PM's to members of the forum.

User Stephanie has been banned and I apologize for 'her' spam messages. As soon as I became aware of what 'she' was on about, I banned the account and deleted all the PM's sent by that account.
Very strange. Those were popping up on the HAMB for a while. Maybe about 2 months ago. Ironic that an IDIOT would choose qoutes from a GENIUS.
It's a set-up. Once they see they're getting PM's through, then they start with the spam.

We use a filter here to trap messages from members with a low post count, if they contain certain phrases and character strings. For those of you that are relatively new to the forum and cannot figure why your posts about buying a new project, or selling an old project are not being posted immediately, that is the reason. Words and phrases that might be used by the spammers will fire the filter.

We can set things up where members with a low post count cannot send PM's and that may end up happening. We've discussed it a time or two and really don't care to limit new members, but if it keeps the spammers at bay, then it may become necessary.
I just hit the delete key! Keep up the good work. This is a great forum!:rulz:

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