Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Question for other Club Hotrod Members

Ted Brown said:
Al, Is this the site?? it says... I purchased it sight unseen from ST. Louis and had it shipped to Seattle...
and shows a ton of your build pics?? Seems to work OK for me.. Ted

Sorry Ted... should have made the post a little clearer In the title it says Club Hotrod... club Hotrod is a web forum much like this... except many types of cars... I'm not able to pull the site up... Keep getting

Oops! This link appears broken.

Page not found - connection failure.


The site that has my build journal is Hot Rodders or

Close but different sites... :razz:
It looks as if they are having some server issues. It happens. As much as you work to prevent it, it still happens.
So now we know LumenAl has been cheatin on us. I suspected he was carousing around at night now i guess we know.
Let me get this straight Al "You want to choke his chicken?"LMAO
Crap im speechless. Just keep your hands off my chicken.
:wall: Too much information here, you giving me nightmare's. :eek:
LumenAl said:
Looks like Club Hotrod is having issues again... can't get on... or is it just me?

Not You.... its down....

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